i read it. i was trying to save my ass. i was gonna turn around and say no..there are nine. you forgot about life, the eldest common ancestor.
if we want to get real technical there are much more classes than just these 9 broad ones.
pieces of shit.
I kinda agree with you, but this might have been the second time he said something accurate.Helping the OP by pointing out that bmeat knows jackshit about growing, I'd say this was a contribution, which is why I responded.
flamingfaggot wouldnt have said something if i didnt call him out on attacking my post. he had no idea either, or else he wouldnt have said "sativa and indica are two different species dumbass"
i obviously made that apparent in my post, that i was agreeing with mrshnake, but for some reason he didnt comprehend that.
this forum is filled with a bunch of low lifes. and i thought there wasnt any worse scum than me. boy was i wrong.
see you guys in hell..more like see you rotting in the earths crust
lol I take mr shims word for it. Now i have to look it up to make sure.Know how you just tried to educate me on taxonomy? Well.. the primary reason why it's not a good idea, is that I'm going to now have to correct you yet again. You're wrong with what's in bold up there ^ Sativa and Indica are sub-species.
you can't compare buds to bananas. we harvest bananas when they're green.
Shim may be harsh, but I haven't seen him call a female a cunt.Just had to post to say your a complete prick mr2shim, you shouldn't be taking this crap off these assholes bmeat and thanking them after he's talking to you like shit he doesn't deserve any of your respect and he has nothing to teach you he's an awful teacher, go teach yourself you'll do a better job just don't believe anything. Is this how you talk to your "mom" mr2shim?
Btw I hate wrong advice as much as anyone but your still a prick as are most people on this shitty board, wtf is with you people? change your avatar as well shim you sham your associating yourself with a gentle man, you are far from that your full of rage and hate.
At first I thought ADD, then somebody else said ADHD, now I'm just thinking maybe high functioning autistic.I'm leaning towards 17 year old, ADHD, and ego to big.
Regardless of whether or not they are different sub species or species the two plants have different psychological and physical affects from each other.
Sativa harvest will bring an uplifting/energetic high.
Indica will bring a calming/relaxing/stony high.
This is where the whole debate of species vs subspecies was introduced by bmeat.
CBN is not produced by the plant per se. It is the degradation (oxidative) product of THC. Fresh samples of marijuana contain very little CBN but curing, poor storage, or processing such as when making hashish, can cause much of the THC to be oxidised to CBN. Pure forms of CBN have at most 10 percent of the psychoactivity of THC (192). Like CBD, it is suspected of potentiating certain aspects of the high, although so far these affects appear to be slight (183,185). CBN seems to potentiate THC's disorienting qualities. One may feel more dizzy or drugged or generally untogether but not necessarily higher. In fact, with a high proportion of CBN, the high may start well but feels as if it never quite reaches its peak, and when coming down one feels tired or sleepy. High CBN in homegrown grass is not desirable since it represents a loss of 90 percent of the psychoactivity of its precursor THC.
Dammit, your mother should have named you Herpes........ You keep saying you're leaving but you keep coming back.flamingfaggot wouldnt have said something if i didnt call him out on attacking my post. he had no idea either, or else he wouldnt have said "sativa and indica are two different species dumbass"
i obviously made that apparent in my post, that i was agreeing with mrshnake, but for some reason he didnt comprehend that.
this forum is filled with a bunch of low lifes. and i thought there wasnt any worse scum than me. boy was i wrong.
see you guys in hell..more like see you rotting in the earths crust
this forum is filled with a bunch of low lifes. and i thought there wasnt any worse scum than me. boy was i wrong.
Sure, but if we're going to debate species vs subspecies.. why not throw in subphylum & suborder too?
Nothing like a good debate where no one can be right given the number of variables.. 'This is the thread that never ends...'
You did NOT tell him that, you asked if they could be.thats what i told mrshim..but he said NO NO NO! IM GOD. this means their chemical makeup is even more similar. look back at page two where i suggest this..
i didnt even want to look into it anymore after all this bullshit. it kills my motivation. i dont give a fuck anymore