Harvest time?

When do i harvest

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Hi guys,

I've been growing for 3 years now (outdoors),
The question i have is , When are my buds perfect for harvest.
Right now there is a reasonable amount of suger on them,
They are getting denser and i think its an indica dominant strain.
I don't know because when i got dissapointed by my big devil i bought (an incredible 4grams per plant..) I asked a friend if he got some more seeds for me. i started three of them in I think Early - Mid May and now i have one good looking , healty plant with dark leaves and Very good side branches for having done nothing to the plant.
I'll post you a picture where you can see the buds.
I planned on harvesting her this weekend, the pics are from today.


I cutted a little side bud of because i found a little bit of toprot underneath the bud.
I removed all the toprot (really small spots) i think i'm okay for now.
Can i have some advise on harvest? i always like an opinion from someone else.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that i spalked her today. The weather for next week is good, but there's a lot of fog/humidity at night.


Well-Known Member
what color are the tricombs? the best way to tell when to harvest is to look at the crystals. if its white or amber then its chop chop time
I don't have a magnifier and a look with my eyes it looked all still green, no darker brown if you know what i mean. but its starting to look alright no? perhaps harvest just before bad wheater strikes again. Indicas tend to be "ready" be the end of september - early october i think


Well-Known Member
Take a nugget and try it. The buzz is going to change over the next week or so.
Bit longer I'd say.
Don't chop her down...check her out!