Harvest. WITH PICS!


Active Member
:peace:....Nice Herbs:clap:....Enjoy Harvest:weed:....See some pistalls are still white....I read that you should wait till they are Brown(Not that I believe everything I read), did you havest by Trich's or pistalls color:?:....Let us know how they smoke after drying & curing:joint:....What method will you use:?:....Positive Growing !


I gave the plant more then enough time, i want majority amber trichs and i made sure i thoroughly checked as many buds as possible and it looks good. i think im gunna hang it there for 5 days, then mason jars. think thats a good idea???/


Active Member
:peace:....Sound Good:mrgreen:....Hope and think you will be Satisfied:mrgreen:....Nice feeling to Blow your own Homegrown Herb:weed:....Did she have a name:?:....
Did you 36-48-72 hour darkness B4 harvest:?:....Positive Growing !


72 hours dark period before harvest. Idunno what to call her, its suppose to be Kush. So im thinkin Kmoney Kush. but idunno if its real kush. Whats a real good Drying and Curing MEthod?