harvest? you much you think


Active Member
im using a 1000watt hps set up in a 48x48x36 tent growing hydro using thc bomb seeds how much would I get out of them if nothing went wrong in the grow


Well-Known Member
the dimensions of your tent are not optimal for 1kw, firstly 36" height is cranked, and 1kw can do more than 48x48, if used efficiently, it can cover like 48"x60" +
As for harvest, I think 1kw in the hands of a good grower will yield anything from 500g to 1000g depending on strain, but can easily go much lower for a novice grower


Well-Known Member
If, and only if, nothing goes wrong, probably 600 to 1200 grams. This is unlikely. Id imagine that since yiur asking this question your new to growing and problems will most definitely occur. I say any where to .3 to .5 grams per watt. So 300g to 600g