harvested and everything, no potency.


i harvested it and dryed for 2 weeks and when i sample it after waiting 2 weeks the bud is very weak. any suggestions? any help at all would be great.


bud bootlegger
ok.. we are going to need a lot more info here to help you out m8.. first of all, lets start with strain.. do you know the strain? what type of lighting did you use for them? how many days did you let them go in flower? what type of nutrients are you using? the more information, the better.


i used miracle grow moisture control. i didn't add any other nuts so i wouldn't burn it. also it grew pretty good looked like a little dark green christmas tree. it flowered for almost 3 months i would say. and i cut it down when about hal the plants pistils were brown. the plant looked nice and crystaly and smelled strong but the finished dryed/ cured product is not really doing anything. feels sticky and everything when i break it up. and after i can feel sticky resin on my hand.


bud bootlegger
the only thing that i can really think of is that it didn't flower long enough maybe, and the fact that you didn't give it any nutes other than the mg soil. or maybe you used a bag seed that just had bad genetics and wasn't too strong on the potency front.
i would say start again.. go to a trustworthy site like the attitude or any other with a good rep here on riu, and order yourself a nice sounding strain that is mainly indica dominant.. ask for peoples ideas about what is a good strong strain for newb growers like yourself..
sorry to hear about your buds, but if you learned something along the way that you can use for a future grow, all is not lost..


exactly what everyone else is saying, nutrients???, how long flowering?? strain?? drying process?? so many questions