harvested weed be ok unatended 4 a month?


i'm going away for 4 weeks just as 1 of my plants is ready for harvest. will it be ok if i chop it down and leave it in a dark room to dry till i get back?


Active Member
Don't just have like 5-7 days to let it sit out, then jar it? Gonna be pretty damn dry at a month, but I'd bet if you stick it in a jar for a while when you get back it should even out..


it will work just fine, your bud is just going to be really dry when you get home

there is nothing really wrong with that its just all about preference


Well-Known Member
Man I highly recommend leaving a new crop for one month. You put all that work/risk/investment into it and you are leaving at the most critical time? I hate to say it, but I would really think about the timing when you start the next grow. As for your specific question.. only thing you can do is chop it and leave it in a dark, well ventilated space. However, if you have huge buds then they might mold. It will be extremely dry when you get back so your gunna have to bust out some lemon/orange peels to moisten it up.


Well-Known Member
You could chop and hang the entire plant, that will help slow the drying process, should be fine when you get back.


Man I highly recommend leaving a new crop for one month. You put all that work/risk/investment into it and you are leaving at the most critical time? I hate to say it, but I would really think about the timing when you start the next grow. As for your specific question.. only thing you can do is chop it and leave it in a dark, well ventilated space. However, if you have huge buds then they might mold. It will be extremely dry when you get back so your gunna have to bust out some lemon/orange peels to moisten it up.
My timing should have been ok but these lowryders took at least 3 week longer to start flowering than they should have. there on week 11 now crazy eh! must be something i done wrong as its my first grow.
thanks guys and girls for your advice


if i leave them to dry for a week in a cold dark room then pack them in glass jars for 4 week, will they be ok or will they get mold?


Well-Known Member
Probably get mold - a week really isn't enough time to jar thrm without having to burp them.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I have bud that gets to dry after only 2 weeks hanging. Make the time to properly dry them before going on your trip. Then before you leave put them in jars to cure while your away and you will come back to some great smoke.