harvesting a pound using cfls


Elite Rolling Society
The electrician put in a 2nd circuit to the room, and installed surge protectors.

Cost me $32 for parts, the circuit breaker, and the box, to add that line.+ $20 for the 50 feet of wire and $8 for the two surge protectors.
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Active Member
It only looks bad because there are like 30 cords for all of the lights. If he were to zip tie em all up nice and pretty you'd probably never even notice.
Here is one honest answer. If you stuff a 400HPS into a small space you may have to much light/ heat and possibly not be able to get rid of it with ventilation unless you have a hurricane style fans. To much wind in your box means watering more often and can cause stress also. If you have 400CFL...you pull a bulb or two until you get the heat right. If your plants are heat stressed, you might as well be using a little less light, keep temps in check, and reduce the risk of hermi plants. Thus I now run 340 watts in my cab instead of 400 + and my plants are happy as hell. Heat stress hermied my last two grows and while I have killer weed.....I got tons of seed. This is surely more economical than building a new cab for most of us.

i noticed your poll. Do u know what heat stressed on a plant looks like please let me know up load a pic kinda wondering if thats
happing with my plants. Im useing T5's, 4 bulbs, 4 feet long. mix kelvin bulbs. please get back with this.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
it is some time hard to determin a plants problem
plant will often look the same way but have differant problem
these are all heat stress pics



Well-Known Member
The electrician put in a 2nd circuit to the room, and installed surge protectors.

Cost me $32 for parts, the circuit breaker, and the box, to add that line.+ $20 for the 50 feet of wire and $8 for the two surge protectors.
Attached Thumbnails
and he told you it was ok to have all those low grade lamps with low grade wires ( not industrial ) all attached like an octopus ???????

shitty electrician, oh hold on.you never told him you were doing what your doing. stealthy find an electrician that burns

good luck budddy.:leaf:


Active Member
Those are not all heat stress pictures.

Those are all different types of deficiencies, including heat stress.