Ive harvested at night before, and if you want to be stealthy like a coyote, night time in the dark is the best time to do it. Ever notice how if you come from a well lit area at night then look into the woods and it looks pitch black, cant see your hand in front of your face kind of thing. Well humans have night eyes also, it takes approximately a half hour for your eyes to adjust to darkness from seeing light. That being said, on a nice well lit moon you go into the woods and your eyes adjust, its amazing how much you can see. I try to stay away from using light, especially flashlights, a flashlight could probably be seen up to a mile away if there was no obstacles at night. I do usually bring a little led light. Im not sure what their called exactly, they hook on the end of key chain and have a little button to power a very small led, and its incredible how much one small little light can light up the woods, but Only to use if I really need to see like where to cut my plants or where to watch my footing sometimes, etc. Lol hope I didnt ramble to much, happy toking