Harvesting Methods??

this is my first ever grow, I have a dutch passion power plant that is about 6/7 foot tall now and it is well into its flowering period. I think its actually about halfway through.

I hope to expect quite a high yield (can anyone help with this please?).

I just wanted to know what are the appropriate steps that i need to to take before i harvest it. Also what are the nessacary steps that i need to take once i have cut the plant down, i.e drying and curing.

Thanks alot feel free to look at my plant which is in my gallery.These pics were taken about 2weeks ago. again cheers please help!!


Well-Known Member
Cut it down,trim the leaves off it, and hang it up in a dark room, with a fan to keep the air flowing to avoid bud rot while its drying, and then let it dry till its dry enough to smoke, then either pack a big one and relax or, cure it, in jars is best takes the harshness out of it, just put it in a jar with a lid and store it in a dark medium temp room and everyweek open the jar and let the air out and re-seal, when ready which is a personal taste,sit back and enjoy.........thats what i do with mine anyway
Cheers dude dats great i heard dat i shuld dry ou the branches 4 2/3 weeks and then divide it up ready for curing in jars, again 4 2/3 weeks. do i have to dry and then cure? or just dry or just cure?

Also have u got an estimate of wot sort of yield i could expect? this is my first grow and im abit unsure.

Cheers Danny