Harvesting pictures , need help! day #44


Active Member
Hey indica, I am only here to exchange knowledge. I will not entertain irrational arguments. I do not condone of anecdotal evidence from either myself or others and have answered these questions very thoroughly on some other threads only to endure ridiculous diatribe and illogical counterarguments. I can tell by the pointedness of your comment that your latter question is leading. I will say that you should read up on the properties of THC and CBN and the metabolism of the plant itself if you are truly curious, however I cannot offer you answers you are unprepared to hear.


New Member
Hey indica, I am only here to exchange knowledge. I will not entertain irrational arguments. I do not condone of anecdotal evidence from either myself or others and have answered these questions very thoroughly on some other threads only to endure ridiculous diatribe and illogical counterarguments. I can tell by the pointedness of your comment that your latter question is leading. I will say that you should read up on the properties of THC and CBN and the metabolism of the plant itself if you are truly curious, however I cannot offer you answers you are unprepared to hear.
If you have already had this discussion in length and have already written out a response to those very questions, why not just give me a link or a quote yourself?

I think it is interesting you would consider the beneficial evidence shown from flushing as "anecdotal" and "irrational". Allowing the plant to consume its stored carbohydrates would not only mean less chlorophyll needing to be removed during the drying and curing process, resulting in a shorter cure...but the fact that combustibility is altered by how many sugars are present inside the plant material and leads one to believe that flushing, and allowing a plant to break down its own sugars before harvest is beneficial to the quality of the smoke. If you are claiming to grow medical grade cannabis, but don't flush your plants, I would consider you no better than a commercial grower who hands out nugs that burn black.

Also the second question was sincere, I know the reason why the dark period is beneficial to the plant before harvest, I was curious if you were able to give me a more in depth look at this method and why you might of chose between 24 - 72 hours of night. However you second guessed your own knowledge, understandable.


New Member
The irony of it all is that you won't do that either! I asked you to show me the post where you originally said you were growing on a 5'x5' table. You stopped replying.
I am asking for a link about growing information, I gave you the specific information you were asking for referring to 5'x5' tables and how I came up with 200+ plants. I know you're butt hurt and don't want to accept that, but not sure what else I can do besides tell you to accept being wrong.


Well-Known Member
I am asking for a link about growing information, I gave you the specific information you were asking for referring to 5'x5' tables and how I came up with 200+ plants. I know you're butt hurt and don't want to accept that, but not sure what else I can do besides tell you to accept being wrong.
I didn't ask you to post it, I asked you to show me where you originally posted it. You didn't because it doesn't exist, just like your grow. You know the problem with lies. It gets harder and harder to cover your bullshit and it eventually catches up to you.


New Member
I didn't ask you to post it, I asked you to show me where you originally posted it. You didn't because it doesn't exist, just like your grow. You know the problem with lies. It gets harder and harder to cover your bullshit and it eventually catches up to you.
The difference is I am asking him a question about growing information, you on the other hand are trying to heal your wounded ego from being proven wrong.


Well-Known Member
The difference is I am asking him a question about growing information, you on the other hand are trying to heal your wounded ego from being proven wrong.
Actually no. I'm enjoying proving to anyone with a decent pair of eyes you're full of shit.


Active Member
If you have already had this discussion in length and have already written out a response to those very questions, why not just give me a link or a quote yourself?

I think it is interesting you would consider the beneficial evidence shown from flushing as "anecdotal" and "irrational". Allowing the plant to consume its stored carbohydrates would not only mean less chlorophyll needing to be removed during the drying and curing process, resulting in a shorter cure...but the fact that combustibility is altered by how many sugars are present inside the plant material and leads one to believe that flushing, and allowing a plant to break down its own sugars before harvest is beneficial to the quality of the smoke. If you are claiming to grow medical grade cannabis, but don't flush your plants, I would consider you no better than a commercial grower who hands out nugs that burn black.

Also the second question was sincere, I know the reason why the dark period is beneficial to the plant before harvest, I was curious if you were able to give me a more in depth look at this method and why you might of chose between 24 - 72 hours of night. However you second guessed your own knowledge, understandable.
I never said I didn't flush... I only said it is not necessary. My greenhouse for instance I do not flush because it is extremely difficult to flush outdoors. There is a superior method to flushing while still reducing stored nutrients in the bud. Also it is not the complex carbohydrates you are trying to remove through flushing, it is the trace elements. My product speaks for itself. I do not need affirmation here on the computer because I receive it daily from my patrons.

However.. since you asked so nicely. Here is some info for you to argue with from other threads since that is what you are attempting to bait me into:

    • I am stuck on these darkness threads now because I am shocked that no one knows the reason why this works. I must be the only one who reads scholarly journals on growing....

      "Light energy has been collected and utilized by the plant in a long series of reactions resulting in the formation of THC acids. Farther along the pathway begins the formation of degradation products not metabolically produced by the living plant. These cannabinoid acids are formed through the progressive degradation of THC acids to CBN acid (cannabinolic acid) and other cannabinoid acids. The degradation is accomplished primarily by heat and light and is not enzymatically controlled by the plant. CBN is also suspected of synergistic modification of the psychoactivity of the primary cannabinoids, THCs. The cannabinoid balance between CBC, CBD, THC, and CBN is determined by genetics and maturation. THC production is an ongoing process as long as the glandular trichome remains active. Variations in the level of THC in the same trichome as it matures are the result of THC acid being broken down to CBN acid while CBD acid is being converted to THC acid. If the rate of THC biosynthesis exceeds the rate of THC breakdown, the THC level in the trichome rises; if the breakdown rate is faster than the rate of biosynthesis, the THC level drops." (page 4

      Read a book before you tell people they are wrong when they are only trying to help. It is not helpful to seem sure of things you are not. Removing the plant from the light and heat allows for the THC breakdown rate to decrease by slowly the conversion of THC to CBN. If we could grow a plant in the dark it would have astronomically high thc levels.. but the closest we can come is a few days of dark coldness at the end when there is little to no plant growth left. The plant does not need light to continue metabolic processes.

      • "Harvesting in the morning ensures that your plant will be at peak THC content, as cannabis has shown THC fluctuations peaking in morning and dropping during the day. Some growers leave their lights off for several days before harvest to increase potency. This seems to have some scientific validity as light has been shown to degrade THC, hence the morning peaks. As light is the degrading factor and the plant still has the ability to manufacture THC during darkness, leaving the lights off for a day or two before harvest likely utilizes the plants stored potential for THC conversion without any opportunity for it to be degraded into cannabinol (CBN) and other breakdown products.8"

        • This plant sat for 6 days in the COLD dark before it was finally cut. See the point of this is that I have already moved my plants into the bloom room. You can move the plants out of the room at 50% amber and they will finish in the dark. Overall you gain between 1 to 2 weeks or several thousand dollars per year using this method. Not only do the plants not suffer from this but they will actually improve. There is no downside to using this method, just make sure the plants areDRY before moving them out of the room. They will not wilt in the cold dark atmosphere but will mold if they are watered prior to moving into the ripening room. Using ten gallon smart pots of ready gro/worm casting mix, with 6 foot trees, I give two days after flush to dry out completely and then move the plants out and move my new line in. Let them sit for two days minimum then start trimming one at a time.

    EDIT-where I said amber I meant milky.. already been pointed out. thought I'd head it off



Active Member
I am not here to tell lies.. Attempting to catch me up in one is as pointless as you coming on this thread with your lack of knowledge in the subject. Look at my harvest this time
View attachment 2366113last day in the room
View attachment 2366112after two days dark.
Doesn't matter how many days darkness as long as you don't let them mold.


Active Member
You dont have a problem... use the money from that girl to buy ballast and bulb 2-300 bucks and you can start up a grow. Don't waste the talent.


Agree with him ^^^^ --- you'll be so much happier with better lighting. Good luck - keep us updated!