harvesting right now!(today) and need some expert advice please!



hi! im harvesting one of my plants today, its already 9 weeks into flower and its an 8 week indica strain. I took only the top main bud off last week as it was ripe and to let light get to the lower buds!i didnt do the rest of the plant last week because it clearly wasnt ready, the buds hadnt filled out properly and id say only 30% of the hairs had changed colour. Anyway i have already taken a few branches off this morning that looked quite done but when i had a closer look at the other ones, the top buds on the branches are done bud the lower ones still have mostly white hairs and look like the need maybe a few days to a week more growing!

so my questions are:

1. is it ok to have chopped these branches off and leave the other ones to grow for a few days more? or will the buds stop growing due to the stress?

2. on the branches that remain on the plant, the top main buds are as i said done, but the smaller buds look like they need a while more, considering most of the hairs if not all the hairs on them are white. would it be ok to just take the top parts of the branches which are done and leave the lower halfs for a few days under the light?

i need some replies A.S.A.P people so i appreciate the feedback! Peace​


what kind of comments are they? the plants going into pieces becoz it ready for harvest and i already tried a nug off it! can someone offer me some decent reply???


Active Member
there are two schools of thought: 1) kill it all at once, process what you can and enjoy. 2) tops and mature side buds first, let it go as much as three weeks more (rarely longer) and then kill it... it really is up to you. without pix (detailed ones) it would be too hard to tell... i've never had much success with taking it a bit at a time as i've always felt like they got a bit shocky, but maybe it's just what i'm working with... a good friend of mine tops his whole harvest lifts up the middle third or so (he has it on a trellis) then goes back a week or two later to finish... me, what isn't done yet still makes a great run of bubble which i am growing to love more and more... up to you, but there is no sense fretting over what has already been done, so you've topped them, you could let half go and process the rest to see if it works for you or not... one question, have you flushed yet? and if so are you gonna give more nutes to the rest of the plants??? just a question, good luck!


New Member
if you grew right youd be done all at once get a light with some penetration but you can leave the bottom to nug longer


thanks for the detailed reply nl3004.kind. and yes i have flushed over a week ago. and no i am not going to continue with nut feeding


Active Member
I have harvested plants at differant times,I dont see any harm in it ,the buds wont grow any bigger but will ripen like they should,I even do this for another reason,when the tricoms are milky colored the high is more energetic,when the tricoms are mostly amber the high is more couchlock.