harvesting seeds when to plant?


Well-Known Member
I harvested some 200 seeds from my kush plant last night i was wounding how long befor i can use these seeds ?

Can these seeds be planted right away or should i wait and let them dry out 1st?​


Well-Known Member
you can plant them whenever you want to.... as long as they are healthy seeds and not premature they will grow.. well even some premmies will grow but youll be able to tell a quality difference between the healthy seeds and premmies... the healthy seed plant will look a lot better..

good luck.. have fun... watch out for males so you dont get another seeded crop... why spend all the time growing for a buncha seeded bud... unless you wanted the seeds.. then my bad..


Well-Known Member
i got about 300 seeds it was controlled on a few branches of my 8ft blueberry kush most are dark seeds with nice markings i trioed about 60 seeds and 11 cracked open in the cloth so fqar with lil white tap root :P IIm hoping there not so stubbron as the orginal i got took forever for thn to germ like over 10 days ? aanyone knwo why ?

I was told to rattle then around in a small container to skuff them up a bit before i germ next time any one heard of this?

I want to germ these seeds for an out door grow so speedy responces would be muchly appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
saved me a post to ask the same thing... Hoping to get some in the ground for this year.