Harvesting seeds


Active Member
Hey all,
I was wondering how do you know when your seeds are mature enough to harvest? Some hairs are turning brown on the fat seed pods. How can I be sure when they are ready? Its been about four weeks. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i would guess that there are a shite load of them... so don't be afraid to open one of the pods up and take a look. it should have some good color to it, rather than being white or light green or very light brown or what-have-you... (im not a seed expert at all) really though, i'd say just finish ur weed out for optimal bud potency... and i'm sure the seeds will be doing well also.


Well-Known Member
I think you can tell they are ready when the little sack they are in open up and you can see the seed or it falls out
"I think"


Well-Known Member
just wait the normal period to harvest bud if they were pollentated right they should just start falling out of the bud when its time Ive never herd of an over ripe seed


Well-Known Member
sorry good point there silky most people if they pull them out of the bud when harvested wait about a month or so I just throw them in a can and wait for next season but you can plant them and chances are about 50/50 that they will pop up Ive planted straight from harv aswell as premature seeds and they've growin