harvesting seeds


Hi.. another newbie here.. I have 12 plants growing right now, my first grow. I'm looking for tips and ideas for harvesting some seeds from my current grow for next year. I've heard you can actually spread the pollen on the buds you want to seed without ruining the rest of the buds. I have an outdoor grow and just cut some clones last week and have them indoors under lights. Hoping they survive so i can flower them to determine the sexes.


Active Member
Ok this is actually a little trickier than it sounds, but if you can isolate your males indoors, you can give it a try. First tricky part is harvesting your pollen. Pollen is very sensitive to moisture, so what you do is raise a male or two until bananas start to pop. Once you have a good number popping, cut down plants, wrap loosely in butcher or parchment paper, and sit in a window with good sun to dry. After plants are crunchy dry, gently remove plants and pour the nearly invisible pollen and excess debris into a glass ait tight container ( I use glass cigar tubes as they come with a cork ) add some rice to absorb excess moisture, and set aside till you're ready to pollinate. Find a small bud on a lower branch that you can pull down and away from rest of plant. Away from your intended, dip a small hair paint brush in tube and give it a swirl, and then put brush in a baggie, and carry to your plants. gently remove brush and rub it all over bud, then cover bud with baggie, and wait 20-30 minutes. Oh, yeah all this should be done on as windless a day as possible. After time gas past, be ready with a spray bottle of water, and as soon as you uncover bud, give it and any buds near it a good misting. This will kill any errant pollen and reduce the possibility of pollenating your whole crop. Good luck.


cool..thanks. You have any guess as to how many seeds would be produced on a bud? I'm sure there are a lot of unknown variables, just wondering how many buds i should try this with.