Harvesting Seeds


I have looked quite a bit for this information but could not find it. I intentionally allowed a lowberry auto to pollinate to make seeds. Now the plant is full of seeds.

The question I have is, is there a right way to do this? How do I know when to take them or when they are ready?

I have already harvested the bud from the other plants and it is being cured.

Any input is welcome. I did spend quite some time looking for this information but was not successful.


Well-Known Member
If the seeds went full term just hang the plant and let dry like you would any other plant.when she is good and dry break the buds up to get seeds and i put them in old pill bottle to store untill i need them. Thats the way i do it and have had great luck....Good luck


Active Member
i read on here somewhere that it should be ready when the buds are.though i cant vouch for the person who stated that.so dont take what i say and apply it lol..

though if it was me,i would take a seed off and see if it was brown and not white or green.or easily popped...you did say it was full of seeds..u can spare one to see :)


wow, that is pretty fast advice. I am going to do just that, check one and see how it looks in terms of maturity. Thanks