Harvesting Sucks


Active Member
I have been doing this for days. It seems whenever i start a harvest everybody and there mom wants to visit my house. Please stay away you dont want to see whats going to happen here. My hand hurts, My back hurts. Harvesting og 18 and sour whatever they call it today from dna or reserva or what ever they are called today. Time to fire up the lawnmower and get rid of this trim. I will put some pics up tonight of the harvest.


New Member
i feel your pain i wish i was feelin on some of ur weeds! ya that shit does get to your back try a sheet of tinfoil in your lap vs. leaning over the table. sounds like you have a trimmer...you can bitch too bad!
Bro your lookin at it all wrong! No pain no gain. If your harvesting enough to make your back hurt you should be thankfull. Trimming blisters mean your hard work over the past few months is about to pay off.

newb weed grower

Active Member
hahahaa nice i liek that trimming techniche my normal problem wheather im helping someone i know with their harvestng or if its one i did
all i know is that their friendds alway sit their trying to sponge off their weed and they think itl be ok to smoke some before its done
and he normally will finnally break down and tell them they can

then i gotta get mean and defend my bros harvest for him
hes too nice
he needs to see them for who they r and stop hangin out with em
but in the end they got a 20 sack og uncured undried bud
and their idiots
but at least i saved him
now i can have it all to myself jk jk jk
but seriously i hate sponges
always happens to us i help him grow entire time
then at end hell tell the freakign world and all of a sudden
a large group is exspecting to get weed when its not finished
we normally smoke with them only prob is they need to wait like everyone else
well im finished with my big rant