Harvesting the top half of a plant , & leaving the lower for more...Worth it or not??


Well-Known Member
mnmn.jpghi guys.....i am a New grower...my style is dwc......i let my plants get way to tall befor i put them into bloom, therefore they are way too big to allow light to penetrate to the bottom....

so i am wondering if it is worth it to harvest the top half of a plant, and leave the lower half under light to continue to develop......will the buds continue to grow if i do this.....or will the plant be so stunted that no further growth will occur..

thanks for any advice in advance!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yes - you could do that to ripen lower buds further. Think it would be even better to just grow more smaller plants.


Well-Known Member
thanks brimi....yes...it was definitely a mistake to let them get so tall...next time i wont veg so long!! rookie mistake!


Well-Known Member
yes normally indoors you want smaller plants because light penetration into the inner canopy is slim, therefore increasing the tops/colas/heads that everyone wants, and its is much more efficient. like a SOG, SCROG. Indoors if u want tall ones do a little LST for more light to inner buds, like a vine.