Harvesting Wedding Cake

I am a first time grower. This is Wedding Cake Auto; planted out in a poly-tunnel on May 10th having germinated on April 10th, so this is day 80 since germination. They are in compost augmented soil and have been fed on Tomato food during veg phase and BioBiz Bio Bloom during flowering, they have been topped and LST'd, and are currently on water only. I am in northern Europe on a latitude similar to Birmingham in England. I used flash in one photo.Cake1.JPGCake2.jpg
Q1 How close are they to harvest?
Q2 Do I harvest when 60% of the pistils are orange?

tree beard

Well-Known Member
At least. Under ideal conditions, it should be almost all of the pistils turned orange or brown, and receeding back into the buds. But thats not always the case. Heat or light stress can cause foxtailing, which will start growing new "hairs". These will not change color when the buds are already ripe