Harvesting with bud worms

Dr Widebody

Hey, i found a few bud worms today when i was about to harvest. Im pretty sure i got them all. If I missed a few will it cause big problems or is it not going to be a big deal?



Well-Known Member
judging by your pics you need to hold off on the harvest.. treat your plants with something that kills bud worms.. you still have at least a month imo..

Dr Widebody

They have been budding for about 2 months. trichomes or whatever they are called are 1/2 amber. I know the plants are small. those pics are from about 3 weeks ago. This is my first grow and i now know that next time i should fill pots completely with soil (only about 1/2 full). I havent harvested the smaller plant because i didnt find any worms on it, so i will wait another week for that one.