
Grass Hopper

Active Member
When you go to dry your plant, is it better to do it the old fashion way by pulling it and hanging it upsidown by it's roots.

Clown Spoog

New Member
If you have less than five it's easier to trim them all the way up when their still wet. It's just easier to snip all the leaves when their wet. When they dry it's a pain in the ass to do a good trim job. I snip the buds away from the main branches and manicure them all up wet. Then put them on a huge sliding door screen thats elevated to dry. Problem is, I've had plants that have taken six hours to trim up properly. So it's best to cut one and trim, then when your done go get the next one. I almost hate weed when it's time to trim up the plants. It's fucking tedious.

Another way, especially if you have a bunch that are ready to come down, is to cut off the fan leaves and then hang the entire plant upside down. The leaves will fall down over the buds and shield them from the circulating air slowing down the drying rate of the buds.

Make sure you have a fan or better yet four fans to make kind of a circular air pattern. Try to keep the temperature in the 70's. If you dry your buds too fast they will smell like fucking grass, literally. Too slow and you will get mold, but probably not.

Buy some masson jars to store your buds. The buds go in the jars when the stems on the buds are pliable, but very close to just snapping under the pressure of your fingers. About six days at 70 degrees. Don't over stuff the jars either. Then every day for a couple weeks open the jars to let some fresh air in for about half an hour. This will make your buds taste, smell and smoke a hell of a lot better, plus it will take out any left over moisture that could lead to mold. When your done curing the buds in the jars you should be able to snap the stems on the buds with the pressure from your fingers. Masson jars or the equivalent is the only way to store weed. Fuck the plastic bags.


Well-Known Member
this year I'm going to cut all the fan leaf off hang them for 5 days,then cut all the buds off put them in paper bags for 5 days,then in to mason jars for 5 days then I'm going to smoke!! I don't think curring for weeks and weeks is necessary.