has any one had this problem

i just threw 16 into my general hydro 20 site and its under a 8 bulb t5 ..
they are different strains and all started seeds in rockwool and watered by hand ..
SOOO my main question is that when i transplanted them into the 20 site aeroponic system from genereal hydro i think it was too much water for them cause they went in all looking great and leaves sticking straight up and this morning most of the strains were all floppy and leaning down as is if it was too much water or none at all but the rockwool cubs are soaked and the roots are still white and dandy lol ..
if i can get any info on what i should be doing or if its just them getting used to the system but its my first time using the aeroponic system ..
i shut the pump off so they can dry up a bit and stick back up hopefully .. leme know if anyone got any info for me ..


Well-Known Member
You're already doing what most would advise in this situation.

Let it dry a bit and don't overwater. They'll perk back up.
i guess they over o0ver dryed casue half of them are shot the fuck out .. im putting the rockwool in soil gonna have to learn more bout the hydro before i go digging in . mad fucking money invested in all them seeds and only bout half of them are actually alive today and half of them are doing shitty ,.,