?? has any1 ever grown seed from a hermie ??


New Member
has any1 ever grown seed from a hermie plant?? what were the results?
i need some solid feedback asap, thanx.

i have seed from a plant that went herm in the last fiew days of flower, they are 5days old at the moment and i want to know if its possible that il get a female thatl finnish flower with tidy bud?????


New Member
i was told that hermie produced feminized seeds
realy dont mean 2b funny but the question states ''has any1 grown seeds from hermie plants''

i have had way 2 many people tell me wot THEY THINK OR HAVE HEARD!!!!

i need solid feedback from personall experience, thanx anyway.


Well-Known Member
EVERY TIME (maybe 4 or 5 times) i have seen someone grow a seed from a hermie, it turns out to be a hermie.. sometimes it wont herm til a few weeks in flower. sometimes it shows right away. never saw a pure female from a hermie though. fem seeds sort of come from a hermie but it is a lot more in depth and complicated than getting hermie seeds :) if fem seeds came from hermies and that is all there was to it, fem seeds wouldnt cost so dang much, i mean anyone (esp the worst growers) could grow fem seeds.

sorry i had to edit and add this.. its going to screw you up i fear. i have seen people (on this site) grow bagseed and get females that dont seem to have hermied. a seed you find in a baggie of dank, from what i know had to come from a plant that at least had a little hermie, otherwise there wouldnt be seeds. i could be wrong here. had to add it in though to give you another side of the story..


Active Member
from what i know had to come from a plant that at least had a little hermie, otherwise there wouldnt be seeds.
Not true, hermies are not the only plants that have seeds obviously. Normal female plants that have been pollinated by a male produce seeds. The seeds will be a cross between the mother and father plants. Cannabis is one of few plants that reproduce in this manner.


New Member
to be honest guys im none the wiser after the replies, well i got 4 bigbud seeds in that came from a healthy fem that produced a fiew seeds in the bud at the very end of her flower cycle, because i cant get any solid replies im just gunna let em grow and see wot the pre flower tell me, if i have a fem i will do my best not to stress it and see wot happens, u never know guys, seems as if not many people have grown herm seeds!!!!! toutchy subject!! any thaughts , cheers,.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has grown a feminized plant has grown a seed from hermi. That's the only way to get them