Has Anybody Grew/Smoked or Even Know where a Decent Smoke Report is Formmekong High?


Today, 10:09 PM
I got 10 seeds fro the attitude and Mekong high was one of their UFO's and I've never heard of it and wasn't to excited about it but on 2 sites people have recommended it over the 9 other strains including ww, blueberry, ak47, nycsiesel, Ans northern light x bigbud + 2 other skunks and orangebud. Any info on Mekong high would be very much appreciated.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
I've been lookin for info' too but could only find this on Dutch passion. Sounds exotic why don't you give it a go she may just suprise you....
Mekong High ® (indoors, greenhouse)
This acclaimed new addition to the Dutch Passion family is a particularly potent indoor/greenhouse strain with an incredible soaring sativa high, using pure genetics directly from the Laos/Vietnam jungle area. The main features of this special strain are the incredible ‘happy and smiley’ sativa stone and the high yields associated with the huge growth potential.

Our smoke test team gave this a top-class rating, an old school ‘retro’ high with a great herbal taste. It has a refreshing aroma and a notable long lasting clean ‘up’ high that clears the mind and completely relaxes the body. The high is good for socialising as well as creativity.

The plant can have brown or purple colourations during late flowering and is resistant to mould/bud rot. This is an ideal strain for the outdoor/greenhouse grower that is looking for pure, unadulterated jungle genetics that will remind you of the great Sativa smokes of the 70’s.

75 % sativa - 25 % indica

Height outdoors: 1.50 - 2.00 meter

flowering period: 8-9 weeks harvest time outdoor: 2nd week oktober


Well-Known Member
I found more!!
Exotic sativa strain par excellence – straight outta jungle!

This year Dutch Passion again has introduced a couple of interesting new seed strains to us, for example their promising new sativa variety Mekong High. Well, there are plenty of new “sativa varieties” around in the world of seeds at any time – almost monthly thrown onto the market by countless so-called “seed companies” that most of the time are clandestinely replanting original sativa genetics of real quality seed companies and releasing them to the market under a different name then. However, the long-established, traditional seed company Dutch Passion naturally does have completely different, original quality demands and with its new sativa strain once again wanted to live up to its innovative reputation. Therefore they checked which sativa landrace so far hasn’t been or only hardly been represented by a strain on the seed market and found the answer in the jungle region of Laos and Vietnam. The result of this genetic conquest was called “Mekong High” later on – pure, unaltered jungle genetics, consisting of 75% sativa and 25% indica, as estimated by Dutch Passion. According to them, Mekong High is a “particularly potent indoor/greenhouse strain with an incredible soaring sativa high.” In the greenhouse or outdoors, she can fully make use of her big growth potential, reaching a height of 1.5-2 metres and producing a lot of long side branches. Mekong High is expected to deliver accordingly high yields. Its high is described as “old school/retro” by Dutch Passion, paying homage to the 1970s, when there still were a lot of native sativa landraces around that did provide a crystal-clear up high and exquisite individual aromas. And precisely these properties Mekong High shall feature according to Dutch Passion, delivering an “incredible happy and smiley sativa stone, a notable long lasting clean up high that clears the mind and completely relaxes the body, it’s also good for socialising as well as creativity”, also having “a great herbal taste and refreshing aroma.”
With a quick flowering time of only 8-9 weeks, Mekong High even falls into the category of very fast flowering sativa strains. Under natural light, she reaches maturity in the second week of October which is unsually early, too, for an exotic sativa dominant strain. In a greenhouse, that offers Mekong High a lot of space, warmth and light, she will get into full gear and produce especially huge yields. Another positive characteristic of this strain is its resistence to mould/bud rot. Dutch Passion furthermore reports “it can have brown or purple colourations during late flowering.”



Well-Known Member
And more!!
The Dutch Passion smoke test team gave Mekong High a top-class rating – so there was a lot of praise in advance for this new sativa strain when The Doc, an ardent fan of old school sativa genetics, decided to put it to the indoor test. He only sowed two feminised seeds, because he always lets his plants grow long and large and had decent respect for the announced big growth potential of Mekong High. Also, the new Dutch Passion strain The Ultimate was also growing in his indoor garden at the same time. Both Mekong High seeds germinated well and quickly, and already after seven days under two 125 W CFL lights (6400 K), The Doc could see had planted true landrace genetics – already the first serrated leaves were huge, and both seedlings immediately produced initial leaves with five fingers instead of three which can rarely be observed with cannabis plants in general. At the end of the first week of growth, the two Mekong High plants were transplanted into 11 litre pots and put into the actual grow room which was equipped with two Planta Star HPS lamps (1x 600 W, 1x 400 W). After two weeks, the plants were growing very vigorously and about to develop protruding side branching. Their long and thin leaves quickly reached an amazing, if not record setting huge size, these were really exotic looking, highly impressive classic sativa shade leaves. There was no trace at all of the 25% indica share, these two Mekong High plants fully looked like pure sativa plants. They also grew very homogeneously. After 25 days, The Doc induced flowering by reducing the light period from 18/6 to 12/12. At that point of time, they had reached a height of about one metre already and exhibited numerous long side branches. For the flowering stage, The Doc had added another 600 W HPS lamp. After the first week of flowering, he reported: “These beautiful plants are a real feast for the eyes, having impressively huge shade leaves. The plants’ height is 120 cm now and side branching heavily continues. There’s an enormous stretching effect all over the plants.” After 21 days, he noted “It’s weird, I feel like being taken back to the 70s while looking at the plants. The plants are totally identical, already 150 cm high now and real beauties. And there already is a lot of resin on the flowers and flower leaves.”

After 28 days of flowering, The Doc had to fix the main stems of the two plants to the side walls, also bending them down a little bit on that occasion, as they had arrived at a height of 175 cm already and there wasn’t plenty of space left towards the ceiling and lamps. He reported: “At the top and near the tips of the main stem and side branches, internodes are becoming more and more close and dense. Lots of fresh white hairs are produced, and the tops are looking really silver already, while resin output keeps on building up. There is a clearly noticeable bitter sweet smell in the air. I think that the stretching effect will cease soon.” That forecast had been confirmed one week later, after 35 days: “Stretching has stopped, with the plants measuring about 190 cm now, looking like wild ganja plants on Jamaica – I’ve seen such specimens myself there in the early 80s. The buds are still relatively fluffy, but amazingly abundant on the main stem and numerous long side branches, very impressive”. After 42 days of flowering, all hairs were still white and fresh, and flower production still on a very dynamic level. The Doc meanwhile had had to fix also some of the side branches to the wall, as they had bowed down under their heavy weight. Hence he arrived at the conclusion that “it’s better to put Mekong High to flowering and expose her to 12 hours of light already after a very short period of initial vegetative growth – after all, this is the natural scenario back home in the Mekong area!”


Well-Known Member
After 49 days of flowering, The Doc noted “Some of the hairs are about to turn brown, while bud formation is still becoming denser. It has turned out one of the two plants does produce somewhat tighter buds than the other. But both plants are giving a superb sativa plant performance, still looking like 100% tropical sativa. After 56 days, the first big yellow shade leaves fell off, together with the increasing amount of brown hairs giving The Doc the idea that his two Mekong High plants were about entering into maturity. After 63 days of flowering, The Doc reported “In the past flowering week, both plants have noticeably put on even more bud weight. What a fantastic finish, they are definitely on the home stretch now. Resin glands are small, but abundant, spread extremely dense all over the calyxes and flower leaves, making the buds very sticky. The plants are giving off a delicious bitter sweet and herbal scent. I cannot find a single male flowers on them, these two sativa queens have proven to be 100% female, indeed. I will give them another two or three days until harvest I think.”

After 65 days of flowering – just in time, after about nine weeks of flowering – harvest day had come, The Doc pulled out his harvest scissors and made quick work of the two Mekong High, they could easily be harvest due to their high calyx-to-leaf ratio and extremely thin flower leaves. The Doc is well-known for his excellent gentle way of drying buds, effecting a slight fermenation which gives the buds a refined deliciously mild and organic scent in the end, his Mekong High buds really smelled like sativa landraces from the good old days, a wonderful sensual delight that caused his heart to happily beat faster. But it beat even faster when he read the total harvest weight on the scales: One plant had yielded stunning 153 grams of finest sativa buds, and the other still amazing 112 grams! That left The Doc quite astounded, as he hadn’t expected such a huge result, with regard to the fact that the buds did have a gracile structure, but the sheer myriad and length of tops altogether had added up to that terrific outcome.

Then it was about time to test the dried buds, and it didn’t come as a surprise the Mekong High weed could definitely fulfill The Doc’s high expectations. The taste was pleasantly mild and delicious, somewhat herbal and also containing a slight haze note. The high of the plant that had become a little bit taller in the end, the one with the more fluffy buds, rushed into The Doc’s brain like an express, effecting an unbelievably clear and energetic sativa kick, making his head so light he even almost didn’t feel it any longer. The high of the other plant with the tighter buds and also a little more resin had a similar effect, but also brought in a slightly psychedelic note, perfect for a fancy play of thought and any kind of creative work.

The Doc underlined that his grow room was illuminated by the heavy light amount of 1,600 watts and that this was a one of his guarantees for bringing about such a high yield. Without a doubt, Mekong High requires plenty of light for producing such tremendous amounts of flowers. Needless to say The Doc was totally enthusiastic about Mekong High from beginning to end, she has instantly conquered a firm place in his big sativa heart.


Well-Known Member
There is even all the cultivation data too, used for that grow report!!
Genetics Mekong High (75% Sativa, 25% Indica) Vegetative growth here: 25 days (after germination) Flowering here: 65 days, in general 8-9 weeks Medium Plagron Standard Mix, 11 litre pots pH 6.0–6.5 EC Vegetative stage: 1.2–1.6 mS Flowering: 1.6-2.0 mS Light 1st week of vegetative growth: 2x 125 Watt CFL (6400K) Rest of vegetative growth: 1x Planta Star 600 W + 1x 400 W Flowering: 2x Osram Son T plus 600 W +1x 400 W Temperature 24-30°C (day) 20-22°C (night) Air humidity Vegetative stage: 40–60% Vegetative stage: 40–60% Watering by hand Fertilisation HeSi Blühkomplex, HeSi Phosphor Plus from the 4th week of flowering Additives/stimulants Nitrozyme, HeSi Boost and Wurzelkomplex, Enzyme Height 190 and 200 cm Yield 153 and 112 g


Thanks alot. I'm definitely going to try this I just wanted more info than what I found. I'm more excited about this than anything else I have now.. Thanks again skunkmunkie!

Max lar

This strain also got me interested, might be a good jungle strain. DP's other sativas like strawberry cough and Durban Poison, Powerplant are all kickass strains, they don't add just ANY strain to their list. So I have high expectations. I've tried thai and a few hazes and the psychadelic and trippy hazes are great but this "retro 70's high" with a bit more of a feel good laughing high thing seems worth a try. It's to bad there is so little information on it, how high it can grow indoors, how it reacts to diff growing techniques. Anyway these two are coming along nicely... into flowering within 10 days i'd say.

Also found this french guy growing it: http://www.cannaweed.com/forum/sujet-122780_2_20-hawaiian-critical-palissage-cooltube.html

google translate the page works pretty good, makes it readable.

If anyone else knows something share!


Well-Known Member
mekong and strawberry cough are notorious for growing out really well, nice full plants. there are a few journals on the site about both strains. dutch strains are amazing, these are the guys that made tulips famous after all. im a fan of DP and also GH. their shop in ams was a kicka** funn experience. arjan and marco were behind the counter answering questions and helping ppl pick what to smoke, i was surprised:o cuz i figured they wouldnt be around doing the retail spew considering they must have serious bank:blsmoke: