Has anyone ever had their weed fall out of their joint ?? U cut yours in stripes ??


New Member
***********--- 1-Has anyone ever had their weed fall out of their joint ??
2 -U cut yours in stripes ??
3- U ever used a Tabacco grinder similar to this ??



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're rolling up dry weed. Bud that has some stickiness to it is much easier to learn to roll with rather then stuff that's a little dried out. Tends to roll right out both ends of the joint if it's too crunchy.


Well-Known Member
In " high" school I sold joints to fund smoking. I learned a long time ago how to mass produce .6 gram doobies with a roller. Two tight they look like pins. To loose they run.

Back in the day bud was not sticky. New bud can be sticky and that just trashes a roller. Well there goes $4.


Well-Known Member
This was basically my Halloween costume when I was in my 20's except I used the backside of tyvek and a bunch of weed leaf leis we got at a cannabis event. It was a huge hit at the bar had people trying to light me and smoke me all night. Lmfao. Not planned but a buddy dressed up in a giant weed leaf costume and we both officially unofficially won best costume(s) at the bar even though there was no such contest.
My costume was inspired by a lunchtime Doobie, watching halfbaked earlier that week and desperation for finding a costume as Halloween was that night. Lol
Mine was way better than that though, wish I could locate those Polaroids.....