has anyone ever takein triazolam before medical procedure?


Well-Known Member
i got percribed to halogen (triazolam) for my anxiety i am haveing a root canal done and im scared as shit. im relly curious if this stuff is going to work im scared it isnt because for some reason i am like immune to all anxiety drugs lol including nitrous i know its wierd but idk why i have this immunity :( if u have taken it before please let me know if it worked or not :(((((( im scared as shit


Well-Known Member
yea im not going to i was thinking about it lol and yes they gave me it for haveing a rootcanal the numing medicin didnt work last time and i was freaking out so they filled the hole they drilled up and told me to come back they are going to put me to sleep lol


Well-Known Member
yea if your numing medicen didnt work it dosent matter how large your balls are im shure u coulnt handle the pain..


Well-Known Member
yea if your numing medicen didnt work it dosent matter how large your balls are im shure u coulnt handle the pain..
People undergo root canals and other forms of surgery without any sort of pain medication every day. I have had a couple root canals, and I didn't need anti-anxiety meds over it.
