Has Anyone Ever Used Or Heard Of High Yield Insecticide Before?


Well-Known Member
i had a bit of a bug problem with ants and grasshoppers eating the shit out of my plants so my friend gave me some insecticide called high yield. i was just wondering is this a quality product or will it burn my plants or what. i tried to look up reviews on it and i couldn't find anything so i was just wondering if anyone on RIU has any experience with this high yield insecticide.


Well-Known Member
i sprayed my plants down lightly with this high yield shit at 1/4 strength just to see what will happen. another question is how often should i spray my plants down i dont have the actual bottle so i cant read the instructions on how often i should use it and i had too look up how much to use per gallon but i cant find anything on how often i should use it.


Well-Known Member
no thats not the stuff i got. here is a link to the hi yield that i gothttp://www.amazon.com/Hi-Yield-55-Malathion-Insecticide-Spray/dp/B004Q6XAQU it said that it was pet safe i went out to check on my plants today and they seem fine this stuff smells absolutely terrible tho smells like cat piss mixed with some nasty ass chemicals lol.


Active Member
i'm not gonna say you should or shouldn't use it

not my plant - not my problem

BUT - every 4-7 days i'd spray, check results, spray a second time - even if it's all gone and no more than three times, PERIOD

if it hasn't worked by three apps, it's not gonna


Well-Known Member
i probably wont do it again ill just go out and buy some neem oil or something. if i didnt spray my plants there might not have been anything to consume those grasshoppers were destroying those plants but i went and checked on them earlier and i couldnt find any bugs at all so hopefully they will leave it alone till i can get a better alternative.