Has anyone grown and harvested without checking ph levels?

I PH'd my well water once, just to check. It's fine. I grow in soil. I buffer with dolomitic lime, just to be safe. Otherwise, haven't done shit. Good results so far. Not perfect, but good. For the amount of I've used it, i'd say the PH kit was an unnecessary investment.
All the time. I've never checked th ph. Why would you waste your time checking the ph if your plants are perfectly healthy? I love how you guys try to make rocket science out of something as simple as growing a plant.
well wtf do you do when ur shit is planted outdoors ? and its not like you wanna go out there every day to see whats up....
thats because there are natural buffers and it gets rain water which is idealy 6.5 to 7 so nature has a way of purifying everything unlike in some ones house using tap water or distilled water there still alot of factors that play in when ur indoors outside mother nature does most of the work.
My dad has not checked his PH in 30 yrs of growing and never has issues. I have a $300 blue lab multi meter that works great but I have not used it in months. I think its critical in hydro but outside of that it loses its importance. We use soilless media and jacks classic duo nutes.
go to wal mart. Buy the 10 gallon jug like you see in an office setting. it costs $12 to start then you can fill the entire jug any time for 1.28, it's R/O water so the ph should be about perfect (but not always)
yea i did just fine last year without checking. i just add a little bit of dol. lime when watering to keep things in the middle. (lighty! andi dont water by hand often)...
Digging out a nice hole, and adding things like fresh, neutral soil, mixed proportionally with correct amounts of perlite, vermiculite, mabye a lil pea gravel (depending on how hard it is to treck in and out, and tote all this shit, which is a job in and of itself for the guerilla grower), dolomitic lime, greensand, a pinch of epsom salt, and a lil peat mulch will wok wonders for an outdoor ops that dont see daily, or even weekly visitations due to stealthy guerilla tactics... Peat helps to buffer surrounding pH, which outdoors, shouldn't be an issue, but the dol. lime also helps with this, as well as micro nute defs with CA and MG, and the small smount of epsom salt will help with any potential MG issues, as well... If u can just leave it vegging with a good pile of worm castings and fish emulsion(not the stinky kind), and some N-rich bat guano, and these other things, and then when seasons change and flowering approaches, u can drop by and add some P-rich bat guano, rock phosphate, and bone meal to the "pile" around the base, and MABYE repeat it once again before harvest time, you will have it made...
I'd say that the trick is being able to spot pH problems quickly by looking at your plants, atleast knowing your pH condition enough to know which direction to correct towards, and doing so..Regular flushing will make your life easier in that sense as lomg as you don't have soil compaction issues..Quite honestly soil pH reading is tricky.. You'll get largely differing results depending in where you test it even with the best testing products.. It's alot easier to test flushing run-off with a $5 dropper kit.. The thing is you need to be able to translate the results to what your plants want directly at the roots, and that's trial/error according to your norms..
i have never, i repeat NEVER have checked PH when growing. i find it to be more hype then anything. im sure proper ph helps a lot but i have never ever worried about it
I've always had to adjust the ph when I mix mutes into my water. Tiger bloom especially really acidified the water, so I added some ph up to get it balanced
Im on a real tight budget right now so i bought a 10 dollar ph soil tester. its the shittiest device known to man. it doesnt give anything close to an accurate reading. so i have been just filling a jug with hot water, leaving it out over night and watering the next day to ensure chlorine is gone. my plants look alright for now, they are about a 3-4 weeks old. has anyone successfully harvested crop without ever checking/adjusting ph levels?
if in soil nope but running coco or a soiles system if u dont u are gunna fuck yourself hard
Interesting replies, those who have healthy plants and who don't pH have excellent soil and water so their root zone will be spot on, for the rest of us it is important to have the correct pH at the root zone, this can be measured easily by testing the run off. I grew living organics and just fed plain water dechlorinated and pH d with vitamin C (pure ascorbic acid), I now grow 1 gram per watt in coco with mineral nutes and pH with nitric or phosphoric acid, but I need to know the pH of the root zone before I decide what pH level to feed them, so yes to get the max yield optimal RZ pH is the way imo