I have grown 2 advanced biodiesel mass, 2 advanced auto skunk mass, 2 samsara flash babylon, 2 speed devil 2 and 2 grenn o matic maxi gom. The 2 worst plants for weight and smoke were the 2 green o matic, one of them had seeds even though there was no males in the growroom. They were just pure horrible to smoke, I won't be doing them again. The next worst ones were the samsara flash babylon that i got as free seeds from my regular online seedshop, both samsara flash babylon had seeds even though there was no male plant in the growroom and the smoke was a bit better than green o matic max gom it still was weak to say the least. My best plants for weight and smoke so far have been the Advanced auto skunk, great smoke and plenty of it from each plant.
Right now I am growing 2 Think different from Dutch Passion, 4 Big buddha critical mass and 3 la diva. the think different and critical mass are 7 weeks old from seeds and the la diva are 5 to 6 weeks old from seeds. So far the Big buddha critical mass is surpassing any of the plants that i have grown before, they have thick, dense and smelly buds and lots of them. The think different are not looking bad neither but from a thread i read here i was expecting a bigger producer though they have up to 4 weeks to go.