Has anyone grown Sweet Bud?


Well-Known Member
I am growing sweet bud (and afghan).

Has anyone grown it before, it's apparently a new strain.

If you have, have you got a journal?

What was it like, it states that it is slow on starting but mine have grown quite fast in the past 12 days since germination.

Whats your experience?


Well-Known Member
I am growing sweet bud (and afghan).

Has anyone grown it before, it's apparently a new strain.

If you have, have you got a journal?

What was it like, it states that it is slow on starting but mine have grown quite fast in the past 12 days since germination.

Whats your experience?

Hmmm, cannot seem find any finished grow journals on the net, I am the first to grow and log????

(shit ... and now I am posting to myself ... )