has anyone seen little black flys attracted to thier flouerescent light ??


Well-Known Member
sound right. if you want toend with four you might want to start with a few more. Law of averages half will be male. And besides like you mentioned you are new. If you know you have more p[lants than you need you won't have to push the panic button.
When I came back from the Bahamas I was ready to harvest. When I looked at the trichs I found out I had spider mites. Talk about panic. I had thirty plants ready to harvest. I can laugh about it now but I sure wasn't laughing then.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I just started seeing these (wat I think are knats) little black flies. Victor sayd that they might be fungus flies which sounds plausable since I just found a small ring of what might be fungud arounf the pot!!!


Well-Known Member
take it from me i live in the land of the fucking fly,if they are normal everyday flys they like your light.