Has Anyone Seen Pineapple Express Yet?


Well-Known Member
I saw it last night at the premier for my city and I thought it was a really horrible movie. It was definitely meant to be more of a guy movie, but the way they just degraded women the whole time really pissed me off. Also, it seemed incredibly racist to me. I thought that James Franco was really funny as the typical stoner, but I thought the script was terrible. The movie just seemed to be dumbed down. Did anyone else feel this way after seeing it...?


Active Member
i completely disagree it is was and will go down as one of the best stoner movies of all time. Seth Rogen is genius.


Active Member
I agree with koalabear. Although it may have helped that me, along with everyone else in the theater was stoned, how about you?


Well-Known Member
I saw it last night at the premier for my city and I thought it was a really horrible movie. It was definitely meant to be more of a guy movie, but the way they just degraded women the whole time really pissed me off. Also, it seemed incredibly racist to me. I thought that James Franco was really funny as the typical stoner, but I thought the script was terrible. The movie just seemed to be dumbed down. Did anyone else feel this way after seeing it...?
How was it racist? How did it degrade women? Rosie Perez was kicking ass in that movie, she was just like one of the guys...


Well-Known Member
I was indeed very blazed for the movie. I smoked a blunt on the way there. The movie first started making me uneasy when they had the two "bad" guys go into the nursing home and inquire about that old lady's son. The whole mood behind that scene, and the old lady going "I don't know what you're talking about! I thought we were going to play dominos! leave me alone.." just made me feel uneasy. Not to mention that Matheson gets killed in the most brutal way possible and Saul seems to have no remorse at all that he just shot him in the chest. As far as it degrading women, uh yeah, I think it did that. Any time they talked about women, they were referred to as a "whore" or something, and to the characters, women were only piece of ass. Again, this is just my opinion, but I just had to see if anyone else noticed any of this/was bothered by it? Please don't get pissed at me for stating my opinion. I'm just genuinely curious.


Well-Known Member
wow...i cant really imgine why you would feel that way trippy...it wasnt as "degrading" as say...superbad... but i mean c'mon this movie was absolutely HILARIOUS and it is for sure going to be one of the great stoner movies of our time

James Franco had the stoner persona DOWN...Seth Rogan was the same character as he is in EVERY movie but funny as fuck none the less...


Well-Known Member
I was indeed very blazed for the movie. I smoked a blunt on the way there. The movie first started making me uneasy when they had the two "bad" guys go into the nursing home and inquire about that old lady's son. The whole mood behind that scene, and the old lady going "I don't know what you're talking about! I thought we were going to play dominos! leave me alone.." just made me feel uneasy. Not to mention that Matheson gets killed in the most brutal way possible and Saul seems to have no remorse at all that he just shot him in the chest. As far as it degrading women, uh yeah, I think it did that. Any time they talked about women, they were referred to as a "whore" or something, and to the characters, women were only piece of ass. Again, this is just my opinion, but I just had to see if anyone else noticed any of this/was bothered by it? Please don't get pissed at me for stating my opinion. I'm just genuinely curious.
were you perhaps too blazed? just wondering how you found the scene with the grandma "uneasy." shit was hilarious.
reminds me of when i saw "across the universe." i was blazed and hated it, but most people i talked to loved it... i think i should give it another shot, and perhaps you should give this another shot.
i thought the movie was hilarious, and the scene with the cop cars was priceless.


Well-Known Member
were you perhaps too blazed? just wondering how you found the scene with the grandma "uneasy." shit was hilarious.
reminds me of when i saw "across the universe." i was blazed and hated it, but most people i talked to loved it... i think i should give it another shot, and perhaps you should give this another shot.
i thought the movie was hilarious, and the scene with the cop cars was priceless.
Maybe you're right. I may have been overanalyzing it since I was so high. But I also expected to be laughing my ass off, and I didn't really find it all that funny. I was really disappointed. :( Maybe I'll give it another shot..