Has anyone seen those HPS bulbs that look like Fluoro tubes? Real long?


New Member
Like in parking lot fixtures and street lights and stuff, in some places, they have what looks like high pressure sodium lights, only they look like longer tubes about 1-2ft long..

Has anyone ever seen these, happen to know what they are or any info on them?
Just a name or something I could look up would be great too..

I'm really interested in finding out what these are so I can look up the specs on them..hehe


New Member

They look like that..
I thought they might be mercury vapor, maybe high pressure mercury, but I figured there might be a chance
that they're HPS..
Either way I'm wanting to look them up for specs but I can't find the name of them or anything..
I've been googlin a lot this morning, hehe..
I got that pic image.googling 'san diego street light' heh.

Any info very much appreciated, these look like they put out a lot of light at a very good spread..