Has anyone switched from soil to DWC

one million

Well-Known Member
Has anyone switched from soil to DWC? I germed my plants in soil and transplanted them to DWC. Will this have a neg effect? (stress producing males)


Well-Known Member
Too many variables to tell really. When did you transplant? Did you have a hard time or was it fairly easy keeping the root structure intact as much as possible? Really, if you did this gently and before the 3rd week period I would say you are going to be ok. Again, too many variables, more info please. What strain?

one million

Well-Known Member
Not sure what the strain is (got seeds from friend, no questions) I was able to keep most of the roots intact by soaking the rootball then rinseing with water. Transplanted at two months, some were 8" others were 3" due to over crowding in the pots. Now I have two strong 24" and the rest are 10".


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a lot of vertical space or you are planning on LST'ing your plants, I would start to flower soon. Since you did this at 2 months I think the plant sex is determined, they are just waiting till they are forced to mature. Just figure probably at worst you will get 50/50 females to males and better if the gods are shining down on you. There is a thread about getting those ratios up on here. I'll find and post.
i did that same thing i started with soil and plants were 2 feet tall and i ran into gnats couldn't get rid of them so i which ro DWC and the plants blew up in a week like damn near doubled in size, BUT i'm getting close now to harvast and this is my firsted DWC and the flowers are not as big considering i'm using 5 gal buckets and in soil i was using 2 gal and i'm guestamating atleast 40% lost in yield with DWC, so there you have it...