Has anyone tried 12/12 From Seed + Topping in Aerogarden?


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone set their Aerogarden to 12/12 or "Flower" from seed? Or combined it with topping?

Being that there is such limited space this seems like the only way to "Bonsai" a plant in the Aerogarden. I've noticed that most Party Cup Plants (Plants grown in a party cup on 12/12 from seed) are simply one stretched out main cola. Possibly if somebody took their hydroponic garden and started their seed on a 12/12 combined with a good topping early on, could the Aerogarden actually produce a decent yield within 10-12 weeks? I know somebody has to have tried this. I'm very intrigued with 12/12 from seed and force flowering thing. I've seen good reports from people who took their pots outside and brought them in for 12 hours of darkness a day in a closet. Talk about and outdoor closet grow*

-Personally, I use the Aerogarden to just start out the seedlings and give them that hydroponic head start. After two to three weeks, I like to put them in organic soil and feed them organic tea. Then proceed to Banzai them with supercropping/topping/lst. I also use the Aerogarden to start all types of flowers and vegetables.... don't judge it makes amazing broccoli.

On topping by the Kodiak:
There are several types of hormones that regulate growth. One of the most important growth hormones is called auxin. It originates in the main shoot and is part of a mechanism called the auxin transport system. This hormone plays a big part in the internal signaling and growth control mechanisms of the plant. It also regulates the formation and behavior of other growth hormones that are responsible for everything from root growth to the formation of flowers.


I am running 2 aerogardens, one of them i started a 12/12 grow from seed the other i vegged for 3 weeks before 12/12 i wanted to see the diff. between the two myself. I am doing 2 auroura indicas and 2 bubbllious in both setups. everything is going pefect so far the 12/12 setup is just starting to show signs of flowers and its been 3 weeks since germ. Im hoping to get an oz per plant but i dont know if it will be more or less!! i will try an keep you posted!!


Active Member
I just started a 12/12 grow from seed. I'll be starting a journal soon
if ur starting 12-12 from seedling arent the nutes gonna hurt the plants cuz there not mature enuff yet shit im doin the same thing got 2 aerogardens 2 bubblecious and 3 auroa indica if i can start them with 12-12 i deff would if it dosent hurt them


Yeah first 2 weeks i only use twinteck fertilzer 1.5-1.2-3.2 (made for cuttings and seedlings) 3rd week i start normal nutes 50% Im no pro yet but it seems to be working great so far for me! thats wild we are both growing the same two strains in the A/G :) Good luck


Active Member
ya thats wha i thought like i said mine are still into there first wk only one poked thru the hole but thats leaning hard the other ones have the lil leafs but r still in the hole my humidy is at 30% at the highest and i got like 4 pots of water in there temp is around 82-86 did u happen to go thru BDS seeds by any chance just curious ive not seen many post about aurora indica


no i used nirvana seed shop, so far its the only one ive used i was kind of nerves going to usa :-/ but all good :) sounds like there on there way!! mine are doing really good, much better then my first grow ( bag seed ) all males!!! yeah i havent seen many post either about aurora, have you seen the youtube vids on it? looks like yummy stuff!!


Active Member
The tea is just store bought organic nutrient granules ground up and put into a pitcher of water. I myself put a fist tank air pump into the pitcher and allow the tea to boil(bubble) for a bit before watering with it.

Thank you all for sharing. This is all good information to collect. I think is an amazing concept. If a person could go out and buy an aerogarden for less than 100 bucks and put their bagseed into it on 12/12 from start, while topping once, producing an ounce or two in less than three months, that person could drop all their "connects". Or better, teach such a simple thing to their "connects" or friends and save them from the struggles of receiving proper medication. I love the aerogarden. I love the Power Planter too, mostly because its soo clean looking with white and green like an xbox, but also because the light comes separately and it spins. So its cheap, buy.com had it for 30 free shipping, used the money i saved on not* buying their light to buy one from home depot for 20 (68 watt cfl + $5 clamp lamp). It works fine as a cloner, roots come out extra chunky and white and fuzzy, probably because they are dangling in air and being squirted with water, but i love it. Also high as fuck right now and proud to be saying it in the middle of my post HERE! I can't wait for it to be legalized. Everyone and their mother will own a countertop hydrosytem and every southfacing windowsill will have little sprouts beginning life.


update on 12/12 grow!!! well im learning 3 plants in the A/G is one to many :) next time around i will plant only 2 per AG.
to recap i have 3 aroura indicas and 3 bubblious growing two aerogardens 3 plants each, started at the same time, one 12/12 from seed the other i vegged for 2 1/2 weeks before switching lights to 12/12, both same lighting added.
both aerogardens the growth is the same!!! the garden i vegged for 2.5 weeks has alot more buds formimg!! seems the 12/12 is behind in bud production at this time in my grow!!


I wasnt sure so wanted to try it out! I also read that you get a one cola plant fromm 12/12 but my dont look any diff. from the ones i vegged, there are many flowers forming in both gardens! I will post harvest weight comparisons when complete :))


Active Member
starting a 12 n 12 today from seed with an aero. plants will be widow land and ill make sure you guys get the link!!