Has anyone tried growing an exotic plant?


Say maybe they added cool aid to the grow once a week or they added a specific type of food or they grow the weed in between a mango plant. Like what are some exotic ways to grow to get some funky herb? Like in India I know they do the mango plant thing and the bud tastes like mango. Maybe they could do that with other fruits like strawberries or maybe they could add something to the plant to make the bud taste like fruity cereal? I think I might be dreaming but could such things be possible. Has anyone experimented? And what is the best flavored weed you have smoked?

Imagine buds tasting like Fruit Loops xD


Well-Known Member
Most of it, especially kool aid, is bullshit. The plants have their natural flavors and fragrances. The only way to ''really'' change them is by breeding and experimenting with phenotypes/environments. If I could pick a flavor.... strawberry milk or bananas. ;)


Most of it, especially kool aid, is bullshit. The plants have their natural flavors and fragrances. The only way to ''really'' change them is by breeding and experimenting with phenotypes/environments. If I could pick a flavor.... strawberry milk or bananas. ;)
Maybe cure it in a jar with strawberry milk aroma? xD


Well-Known Member
If you want your bud to taste like Fruit Loops, just do it the easy way.

Chew some Fruit Loops before you lick the joint! :lol:
