Has anyone used a dryer?


Active Member
I have a dryer that is set up in a plastic storage box. It has a fan and seems to work fine. I just haven't used it yet and wanted an opinion before I used it on my first grow.


Well-Known Member
what kind of dryer? did you make it, or buy it; if so, from where?

you could be using a microwave as a dryer :P


Well-Known Member
Keep the drying area dark, the air well circulated and exchanged with fans, the temperatures in the lower 70's and the humidity between 50-60% with a dehumidifier, if necessary. The bud will smoke smoother if it takes around a week for the moisture to evaporate, quicker drying will harshen the taste and degrade the burning properties.

After drying, any variety benefits from a slow cure. Curing involves atmospheric oxygen to metabolize cannabinnoids and terpenes into more desirable forms. After the harvest is dry enough to create a snapping sound when stems are bent, the material is placed in sealed glass containers. Once the oxygen is consumed within them, the process slows to a halt.

The jars should be opened and aired out once or twice every 24 hours. If you smoke a bud as soon as it is drys, it is nothing like it becomes after a nice slow dry and cure. The buds must remain dry with no moisture from inner stems still dispersing, kept out of direct light and the ambient temperature/humidity should be comfortable for humans. I usually vacuum seal and refrigerate after 3 weeks, but have extended the curing time to 5 weeks, if discernable improvements were still occuring. No bud should be smoked before its time.


Well-Known Member
What do you think of putting in a couple of those silica packs that sometimes comes with products you buy? They are moisture absorbers. Anyone ever try those to ensure no moisture gets in or to speed up drying?


Active Member
they dryer is a plant dryer. It has a small fan w/ two screens for laying plant material on.

I'm sure it isn't as good as a slow dry, but maybe it's not horrible to use?


Active Member
I used to think curing was overrated till i actually tried some my freind grew and cured,after that its like night and day,you just know