Has anyone used B-Nine (Daminozide) to tame their Sativas?


Active Member
I have begun playing with hormones and have created a pretty complicated cocktail at this point and have been wondering if anyone had experimented with Daminozide because it seems that it might acomplish much of what I am after in a much simpler way.

One of my big goals is to get a decent yield cultivating "sativas" indoors with limited work height.

I know there was a stink about the stuff back in the 80's (like with all hormones/growth regulators now) but it almost seems that it was just lumped together with everything considered "unnatural" at the time, and this was focused predominantly on early childhood development, not likely a group to be exposed to these plants anyway..


New Member
unacceptably high cancer risks br0 no i haznt br0 but i used herbicide to tame on of my sativaz ;)


Active Member
unacceptably high cancer risks br0 no i haznt br0 but i used herbicide to tame on of my sativaz ;)
I was a bit concerned when I spoke with a sales rep that was pushing "Dazide 85" over more expensive hormones. I reminded him a few times how the end product would be ingested, he seemed incredibly unconcerned and pointed out that the product was never ordered off the market but voluntarily withdrew from marketing to the agricultural industry. Its been continuously used in the floral industry as a foliage spray and doesn't seem to be causing them problems from respiratory ingestion (breathing it from the air)

I meant stunt vertical growth, not reverse it... :)


Active Member
You people deserve whatever's coming at you.
Which people? pot smokers? pot growers? skeptics? intellectuals?

This is an advanced growing aria so its safe to say that there should be some of each..
I'm here asking questions so I can learn something valuable (gain a greater understanding).

I haven't personally ordered the stuff, at $100 a pound (no smaller quantity's available) it just didnt seem worth investing in especially since I remained somewhat concerned about the late 80's cancer scare after my conversation with the sales rep was over. (keep in mind red M&M's were also subject to a similar scare) a healthy sense of skepticism can be a valuable thing, otherwise "Refer Madness" and all other measures or propaganda from the marijuana prohibition would continue to be valid..

Instead I have invested a bunch of money and time experimenting with naturally occurring plant hormones to acomplish similar things..


Well-Known Member
There are a few articles on here about using growth hormones and what not. One of them is called CO2 vs. hormones, you should check it out I think he experiments with the growth hormones/regulators and tells you about their results in that thread.


Active Member
There are a few articles on here about using growth hormones and what not. One of them is called CO2 vs. hormones, you should check it out I think he experiments with the growth hormones/regulators and tells you about their results in that thread.
Thanks for the tip man, I'll do some looking into that :)


Active Member
If anyone else finds this stuff interesting there are 3 other products I stumbled across, there is:
B-Nine & Cycocel then the higher-activity products Sumagic & Bonzi (Cycocel, the active ingredient in Dutch Masters SuperBud?). I'm hoping atleast one has avoided cancer scares as they seem interesting to experiment with.

Registered as First Plant Growth Regulator for Vegetable Transplants Sumagic (Uniconazole-p) @ 10ppm (or less as a foliage feed) once 1-2 weeks after transferring clones (at the start of flowering) would be within recommended usage for food type crops... (looks like it might just temporarily stunt growth in general)

Using the above precautions wouldn't all these PGR's be safe? after all who's going to smoke fan leafs? (that's what everything exposed to the stuff will be by the time you harvest).

I have read some things that imply that plants treated with some of these will not produce seeds or seed pods (even when exposed to viable pollen).

Also a product called "PGR Combi" sounds interesting (I actually contacted the company recently in hopes of obtaining a sample for testing/experiments).

Ethephon seems to promote fast maturation..

Seems like a combination of the above should help make Sativa dominant plants more indoor grower friendly...