Has anyone used CALCARB?

So I was at the local hydro store today and as usual got sold on a new product they started carrying by xtreme-gardening. He was saying (by experience) to spray during both veg and flower. At first I was against this but after doing some research on CaCO3 it seemed solid. Has anyone tried this? From what I hear and seen by the side by side demos this is the next best thing to Co2.



Well-Known Member
hey i was planning to get one for foligar spray but i ended up with dyna gro line...so one member here who use calcarb for his autoflower and his name is Jack47, try use search bar to type calcarb...it will show list...you will see Jack47, try PM him to ask him...good luck bro.



I have a friend that swears by it as a cheap alternative CO2 regs. Says it's the #1 grow secret he would pass onto a new grower. Mine's in the mail.


Well-Known Member
You paid 20 bucks for basically ground up limestone?

How exactly does it break up the way it's described?

The Snake oil detector is beeping wildly.


Well-Known Member
I use have been using it, I've talked to xtream gardening reps and they claim its more effective the co2 tanks, I figure at the price I paid (free gift) it won't hurt. I'm also using co2, so I don't know what's making a difference the Calcarb or the real deal co2 but it doesn't hurt my plants and it prevents mold so win win as far as I care.