has anyone used pineapple rush ?


Well-Known Member
has anyone completed a grow using g.h.- pineapple rush to improve taste??? what were your sesults ??? does this stuff really work ? or is it just another additive that you really dont need currently using g.h.- flora series nutes & koolbloom & floralicious+ as additives & was wondering about the pineapple rush :confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
ps. im happy with the performance of g.h. nutes so far . it just seems like there is a million additives out there & if this one works it would solve my problem [ the mango im growing lacks in taste] just trying to look before i leap


Well-Known Member
ITS BEEN A COUPLE OF DAYS I GUESS THIS PRODUCT IS too new or no one has used it to complete a grow any info welcome

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
I saw this stuff at my hydro-store about three weeks ago and thought about using it. Nice packaging and subliminal thought about pineapple tasting bud.
But i'm a fan of the KISS formula (Keep It Simple Stupid)
So I'll continue to use: 3 part GH Flora Series, AN Big Bud, and AN Overdrive with good results.
Sometimes, less is more.bongsmilie

kali love

Active Member
H H hey man I juat recently emailed andy from gh he gave me the low down on thwe pineapple rush stuff seems to be worth it and would be a nice compliment to ur nutrients I would maybe wait a lil while it is a new product complete this grow and maybe by a qrt for ur next grow compare and see if u like the difference it makes then use it I am going to grabe a bottle for my next grow I wanna see what happens I hopwe this helps some on making ur decision ill forward u my email in a pm so u can see our discussion or it u can I believe u were also chking the organic line out too if u email andy hey can send u some samples for cost of shipping the only one they won't send is pineapple rush still that new I guess


Well-Known Member
hey kali thanks i know you have an idea where my chain of thought is heading i'm gonna take a chance & see if it improves the taste of the mango


Well-Known Member
bought the stuff today & flooded my stuff expect to harvest around easter i even saved a bud from last grow [mango] for comparison mango is pretty kick-ass stuff & yield very good i would like to improve the flavor on it im hoping it works & not another additive you dont really need & hydro-shop people are like car salesmen you have to sort through the bullshit to get to the facts all they see is a potential sell sometime around easter i'll do my little test & share my results


Well-Known Member
ok just did 3rd. feeding using the pineapple rush & there is a slight change in the smell of the mango it used to have a mango/cantalope smell now it smells more like citrus/grapefruit[which it didnt display in my last grow] its too soon to deliver a solid verdict & the finished product will tell the story but it looks like the product might work to some extent this could get interesting as i have saved some mango from my last grow to compare


Active Member
Dont organic nutes ago give the buds a "sweeter" taste?

I used it a couple times, I just purchased another bottle a week back and just had to return it today. The bottle had only a coulple ML. taken out of it and then a couple days later I looked at the Pinnaple Rush and the whole bottle was swollen. No heat, no direct light and no bacteria or yeast. I dont get it, but I switched to Bud Candy instead. Got a bad bottle, watch out!


Well-Known Member
i found a couple peices of pineapple in mine & if the stuff started to ferment because it also has sweetners in it [which would cause bottle to swell] there could be problems you dont always need yeast to kick it off airborne bacteria can do it too but in my case so far i have got some results but harvest will tell the story i like my mango just tryin to sweetin it up a bit &give it some flavor it gets ya plenty stoned & grows like a bat outta hell but once dried has almost zero smell & lacks in flavor , not by much though outside of that it's an excellent strain


Well-Known Member
aroma in marijuana is a product of genetics, not magic elixers or soil amendments. don't waste your money fellas.


Well-Known Member
clyde youre probably right i beleive genetics are the key to potency too but i already bought it a $20 gamble aint gonna kill me & ill have the final verdict after harvest [around easter]


Active Member
Molasses increases yield, taste and aroma. You can also use it up to harvest time.
Haha awesome! I've heard of molasses a few times and it was enough to make me buy some "Unsulphured Full Flavor" molasses after reading this thread. I was wondering about how long I could use it till! bongsmilie
yea i just finished a growth with it and its amazing it really work it gives it a pinapple taste(not too much)and smell....like pineapple express but better aroma