Has anyone used soiless mixes?


Active Member
I am currently using that in 6 of my plants and 12 plants are using Pro-Mix HP. I really like both mediums, will be able to tell results at the end of it all. One thing I can add is the roots organics retain water alot. Be careful with feeding.


Well-Known Member
Looks expensive, I bought 5 kilo bricks of coco that expand with water to about... i dunno 15-20 gallons? 25 bucks.
Originally planted my plants into 100% coco but it does seem a little dense so I bought a monster bag of perlite and im mixing the two 50/50(well kinda just eyeballing it) and Im going to repot from the 1 gallon straight coco to the 2gallon 50/50. Obviously next time around I will start off in the mix, hopefully the different levels of moisture in the two mediums wont cause any problems. I like my mix because those bricks are easy to carry around and they fluff up huge, and with perlite to mix you can decide your based on personal preference how you want your medium.
Any idea what that stuff is even made out of? spaghnum probably?


Well-Known Member
Hey I use Roots Organics 707 mix. It is $25 for 20 gallons. It is an awesome growing media. I dont even use nutes until week 5 of veg and my plants grow super vigorously since I started using it. AWESOME STUFF!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey , i use Cellmax growcubes (1mm rockwool chunks) and Hydroleca clay pebbles, soiless and re-useable.....

7892 8-12mm Leca pallet.jpggrodan-grow-cubes-4-web__10726.jpg


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a really good mix, how do you water? I think you meant 1cm not 1mm?
Sorry my mistake , yeah that's 1cm , I use passive hydroponics , pretty much involves watering to a res the plant sits in letting the medium soak up what it needs , when feeding nutes however i spray over the medium using a lance, you have to return 1 hour later to drain away the waste , can be awkward for some but i like it , reminds me to temp check after my bloom rooms switch on ......