Has posting stuff on this forum ever made you nervous?


Well-Known Member
I try to be careful on what I say on these message boards, you never know who might be reading these.


Well-Known Member
I don't even trip. I'm over 18, I'm getting my script in a couple months, and I live in california.

anyone who wants to bust me come try . . .

Big Joop

Active Member
I could fuckin' care less. Shit, if something happened, then maybe I'd have something to talk about with my friends for once.


Well-Known Member
I did when I first became a member...Now I don't give a shit. If they bust down my door for what little I have it truly shows how desperate they are.


Well-Known Member
I'm not nervous, no. I haven't started a grow-op yet, and I don't plan to until after I've gotten my medical cannabis card. I don't doubt that the feds monitor this site (I'd be disappointed if they didn't), but I have nothing to hide from anyone.


Well-Known Member
I watch what I put out here when I am growing, for sure...I worry someone could be lurking out here to rip me off. Especially with my outdoor grows. I try to watch how much info I put out here, like my location and whatnot. It is always good to be cautious when dealing with a bunch of people you don't know, imo


Well-Known Member
Is posting stuff on forums safe as long as you don't give out personal info. What if you used a traceable email address? :shock:
I dont think it makes people nervous, but Im sure the thought has gone through everyones head at one time or another.
Ive seen the question about where is the server? But no one seems to know for sure. Even some of the mods dont know, or just dont want to tell.
However, I wouldnt worry about it. I just figure, there are many many more people with larger grows than mine. Im sure Im at the bottom of the list....


Active Member
Everyone thinks that the feds are out to bust every single toker.
They wait for you to go to them i.e. you're holding, you got pulled over, you're publicly intoxicated.
If you grow, that's different. But if you make 'loose lips sink ships' the LAW, you should be relatively safe.
Besides, it's not like the DEA gives a **** if you're not going to prison.
Do you think they're actually reading all of this? I dunno, I think only a stoner would find half of it entertaining.

...****, I hope they don't.


Jenny, that can't possibly be your real photo, phone number, and address. That can't be a good idea. Never mind the DEA or whatever you have in Canada! Tell me it isn't so.


Well-Known Member
if you're abiding by your state laws, the FEDS CAN'T DO SHIT!
Hahaha. Thats funny.
But seriously the feds close 100% state legal cannabis shops all the time!!
The feds say their laws over-turn any state laws. :cuss:
National Geographic did a special "Explorer" show all about it!

Here are a few articles also.....


Well-Known Member
Haha yep. My friends made fun of me in highschool because my number was very similar to it. Thats why I chose this username. I was so happy to see it wasnt taken already lol
Maybe we grew up in the same era.:wink:
As soon as I saw your name I started humming that song,lol