has your dog been high?


Well-Known Member
how many of you ppl have gotten their animals high?
and how many of you ppl think thats cruel or whatever?
i cant lie iv gotten a few animals high in my day hah


Well-Known Member
i have two dogs. theyve been in my room when im baking it. one stays as far away from me as possible and gives me dirty looks. the other stays as close to me as possible and looks at me and says with his eyes... please blow that in my face.


Active Member
I used to have a German Shepard that would creep up onto your chest when you smoked just to get a little contact high, so I obliged him.
My two dogs now don't seem to be too keen on it, so I don't force it on them.
Forcing it on the pets is I think cruel, however if you get one like my old girl that actually seems to like it, by all means give them a little puff now and then.
Oh I did once have a pet rat that got out at night and ate about 4 good sized doobies then just laid there for about a day and a half.
I was pissed , but oh well...


Active Member
I always box my friends room and the dog will sit outside the door untill we let him in lol and when we blow out the smoke the dog opens its mouth and beaths it in i geuss. its funny as hell seeing a dog ripped. but yea forcing it on an animal would defenently be cruel..


Well-Known Member
I tryed to get my dog high but she is against it so thats that. Would never force animal to smoke but if they like it won't deprive them of it neither.


Sr. Verde

Awh mannn I have this pic of my dog blazed as fuck and it made me burst out laughing but I cant show you guys :P His eyes are squinted as fuck and his one eye is looking upwards and you can tell he's spacing out...

I loaded like 8 bowls total and took the smoke into my mouth and slowly blew it right in his face

We had mad bud anyway and we were blazed as fuck

He just sat in my friends lap taking the hit in the face, he loved that shit....

I remember seeing him laying on the floor with his head in his food bowl, he wasnt standing up or anything he was just laying there eating it was hilarious

I think it changed him too, because he used to be a bitchy ass fucking dog and now after that day he just lays around all day and hangs out, its great...

I love that dog <3


Well-Known Member
haha i wonder if they can get high off of bong water.. cuz my dog like chugged that shit down one day and i thought she was high.

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
hey all i got to say is fuck being animal cruelty...if you blow some smoke in your pets face and eventually they get in your face and take it, they want it... i know of atleast two dogs that if you said "wanna get high" they will not leave you alone till they get a couple hits blown their way....'smoke on spook RIP'