Hash and Moldy Buds


New Member
Can you use the small amounts of buds that have small molds on them for the hash oil making? Seems like the alcohol would kill any issues but don't really know. Not hard to get that mold now is it! Small amounts only but scary how easy it started and in a very short time... Can you also cut the moldy parts out of buds and still cure the rest of the bud??


New Member
Figured to get a bs stupid answer! I am not eating it I am soaking it in ALCOHOL! Seems as in my question that it would take care of something that you were going to smoke???? Get a life boneman or at least a personality that dosen't suck ass....:wall:


New Member
Well I got two non answers and would still like someone to help not just waste my time. So to my origianl Question, can you trim out smaill molds on buds and still cure the rest of that bud? And how would a tiny bit of mold affect hash oil after alcohol is put on the leaves? Please someone who is not a total asshole please.. :roll:


New Member
Not a real answer to be had!!??? I am not throwing away a 12" bud just because of a tiny spot on the lets say bottom of the entire bud that is a tiny bit of mold on an otherwise dry fine bud. I will cut it out and save the good parts of the bud. Don't get why no one can give a good answer. What is a good answer, well first, one that makes sense, two, one that is based on fact, three, one that is substantive. So if any real answers ???? Or just more boneheads??????:roll:
yeh get rid of the moldy buds,get a magnifier to scan the bud.


New Member
Not a real answer to be had!!??? I am not throwing away a 12" bud just because of a tiny spot on the lets say bottom of the entire bud that is a tiny bit of mold on an otherwise dry fine bud. I will cut it out and save the good parts of the bud. Don't get why no one can give a good answer. What is a good answer, well first, one that makes sense, two, one that is based on fact, three, one that is substantive. So if any real answers ???? Or just more boneheads??????:roll:
bro clip off the moldy spots and your good to go its that simple just make sure it doesnt spread...... and i dont know about the moldy buds and the iso hash it might work it may not.. maybe u should try it and let us know how it comes out oh and im sure if some1 had all the answers your questions would have been answered


Well-Known Member
some people will put it the oven at around 200 F for 15 minutes or so to kill mold

others will smoke it the way it is, direct flame will kill it but who knows if you inhale mold while your lighting


Well-Known Member
If i found some mold in the weed i buy be sure the dealer will take the shit back ....

Never smoke mold... not only taste bad but its very bad for your health...


New Member
Bonehead I mean boneman, lol, is stupid as his answers. I did all :spew:with no problem so don't listen to the loser just because he posts all day for lack of a life. Black Hash, buds clipped out from mold all went perfect so listen to him if you want to waste you time and your bud. Moron. Common sense and the knowledge about spores and science is what you should use not stoned out idiots like bonehead boy.... Did I say thanks for nothing idiot? oh I did ok well thanks again.... LOSER....
If i found some mold in the weed i buy be sure the dealer will take the shit back ....

Never smoke mold... not only taste bad but its very bad for your health...


New Member
read below. let people know the moron is a toe without a brain you know...
Bonehead I mean boneman, lol, is stupid as his answers. I did all :spew:with no problem so don't listen to the loser just because he posts all day for lack of a life. Black Hash, buds clipped out from mold all went perfect so listen to him if you want to waste you time and your bud. Moron. Common sense and the knowledge about spores and science is what you should use not stoned out idiots like bonehead boy.... Did I say thanks for nothing idiot? oh I did ok well thanks again.... LOSER....


Well-Known Member
I have heard you can use the bubble bags with moldy buds so i assume you could do hash oil as wall..just because they filter it ...but i have never done it read it on the actual website in the FAQ


Active Member
I have heard you can use the bubble bags with moldy buds so i assume you could do hash oil as wall..just because they filter it ...but i have never done it read it on the actual website in the FAQ

I am not here to argue with anyone. But its absolute common sense. 91% alcohol or higher is commonly used to kill bacteria,mold around the house. Google that shit and look at all the many links to what it is used for lol.
IN other words, its totally fine to make some hash with it! I would just run it threw twice before drying. :hump:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
ive had a big beautiful bud have mold in the middle i carefully cut it out and cured it problem solved. as far as making hash with alcohol that would kill any mold so i think your safe. besides that if you dont have any immune system issues i would not be too scared of common molds bacterias or funguses were inhaling them every day any time the wind blows or you clean out your garage or do yard work etc... if your a healthy dont worry about it were not made of glass. ive made butane extraction hash with some trim that had a bit of mold and im still here lol.


New Member
It's one thing to accidentally ingest some mold while cleaning out your garage, it is quite another to purposely shotgun it into your lungs.....

out. :blsmoke:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
maybe so my bodys not weak and i dont get sick from regular mold. of course ive learned my lesson about properly drying trim as i prefer no mold and dont advise busting rails of mold on a mirror but i would and have made extraction hash this way with no consequences. when i was a youngster i have had the misfortune of smoking some fucked up moldy bud not cool but not deadly. again if you have immune or respiratory problems cut your losses. me personally i would make some alcohol extract oil. next time keep humidity lower in your grow that should solve the mold issue.


New Member
<P>Right on! Thanks for the feedback. You guys are right too. I did it all and all is well. Must keep saying don't listen to anything asswipe bonehead says because has been proven wrong! Morons hear the word mold and dont' even bother to read that it is not much of the amount and give stupid worthless answers. Hope no one takes that idiots advice or the one or two other mutts like one lung guys response. Thanks again and tell people when idiots are giving advice that is wrong. It is sad that they have high rankings on here when they obviously don't know what they are talking about. Peace. Not to the boneheads out there though. Go jump is my advice. Promise it will work for you...</P>