hash and oil


Active Member
hey riu i was hoping you could help me out with a question i was asked and could not answer, other than the methods whats the difference between the make up of hash and oil, i know they both contain thc.but i was asked if for medical puposes would hash be as effective if you eat it as oil. i know how to make both but was also wondering if with ice hash you break the heads off the trichomes, and with iso oil do you get just the same head off the trichome or do you get other stuff too.

thanks a bunch for reading my post and any replys sorry if this is in the wrong spot.


Active Member
Hey there, The make up of hash is really the same as oil, just extracted in a different way.
the ice hash is just extracted through water, so the THC oils don't actually bind with the
liquid, but if making oil you're extracting the THC with alcohol...usually or with butane it
binds with the liquid, and then the alcohol is evaporated to collect your oil residue. So you
do get the same trichome heads, but the alcohol method isn't always the safest way as
sometimes it's know to retain some of the contaminates, that are not the best for your health,
and the Iso extraction can also be a lot more potent than the hash itself. dark colored because
of chlorophyll (it's a real bitch to handle)

As for eating it for medicinal purposes, I think the hash would be better because it would be
metabolized quicker than the thick oil residue (plus) the hash could easily be infused with butter
to be ingested. I think the oil would be better smoked as it's pretty messy. would be better smoked.

hope that helps any at all =)


Active Member
cheers that makes perfect sense thanks for the quik reply. thatmakes me happy cause making hash is mush easier in my opinion. plus rep for you


Active Member
No prob. at all my friend & yeah I love making hash, much easier to handle and to store than the oil. I hope to make some again really soon.. about 2 1/2 weeks till my girls are all done..can't wait =)


Elite Rolling Society
In my world, HASH and OIL are very different.

HASH, or Hashish, is caked and baked kief, formed into a chunk, clump, or patty, or solid lump. . Kief is extracted trichomes (resin glands)

Let me revesrse that.
Those so called crystals (slang term) that appear on the bud leaves, are called trichomes, or trichs.
When removed, the trichs are callled KIEF. KIEF is gritty, and sticky.,,,,sort of like very small granuales.
If you remove the trichs (KIEF) and collect them into a mass, they called HASH.
Frozen or very cold trichs are removed easier. You can use a silk screen, or a Kief Box, or bubblebags, or a Space Grinder to remove and accumulate them. Again, we get them from the "trim leaves", leaves trimmed from the buds, or we can just use the buds. The resulting HASH is very high in THC, a Mind High..
When I think of OIL, I think of taking the EXTRA leaves, the FAN leaves, and drying them, grinding them up in a blender, with High Octane or High Proof Isopropyl Alcohol, or a liquid that is very evaporative, like the dangerous Butane Liquid.. You mix the blended leaves with the Alcohol, and then evaporate the alcohol out, and you have OIL left..it is like a thick TAR. Not as high in THC, but very high in canabanol., and veyr much the body high.

Here is HOW:

you will need is some 100 or 90 proof isophyl alcohol.
The leaves need to be dried and from female plants.

HASH OIL is not really hash oil. It is the oil of the leaves. They just call it HASH OIL.

Very simply, keep your FAN or SHADE leaves. The leaves that do not have visible trichomes on them. Put them in open shoe boxes or card board boxes, in the dark, in a dark room, or under the bed. Let them dry for 7 days, stir them daily, to make sure they are dry and do not mold. Then freeze them or save them in a dry box or paper bag.
You fill half a blender full of the crumbled dried leaves.
You add half a bottle of alcohol, the highest strenght you can find.
BLEND them up. Add some move leaves and alcohol and blend them some more.
Get a NON-DISPOSABLE coffee filter, it is micro-fine, and strain them, keeping the liquid. That liquid is alcohol and oil, half assed mixed. Then you evaporate the alcohol out, takes a week, maybe 2 weeks, depending on how much alcohol you used. But be patient and let the alcohol evaporate, leaving a very sticky, THICK oil. It is almost like TAR. VERY GUMMY!

You sill need a small sealable bottle to store it in,.

It is MESSY, use a stainless steal bowl.

What you are doing is mixing alcohol and oil, and then separateing it later.
Just like oil and vinegar salad dressing, they mix, but then they separate.
You use evaporation to separate them, that is why you use alcohol. WATER will not work!
Get the proper pipe, I like a glass bowl, and put one half drop on the end of a needle or pin, hold the flame under the bowl until the oil smokes and then hit it! Make sure you are near the sofa or a chair!

To make that hash oil, you got to have a metal fine mesh filter. A permanent non-disposable coffee filter works great. $3.00 at Walmart!

VERY IMPORTANT; IF you make the OIL, you have to let it evaporate for a week or two weeks. IF you smoke the alcohol, it will really mess your lungs up.

Kief Box:


This is a WICCA Kief box, the very best one on the market. There is one slightly larger and one slightly smaller, and you'll need one to make HIGH GRADE blonde Lebonese or Blonde Afganey Hash. You can buy them at a "head shop" or "smoke shop" or "herbal accessories" store or order them off the internet. Do NOT get a GRINDER Box or Spaceship Box. They make low green or brown grade hash.

Left over fan leaves make OIL. The left over trim leaves are for making HASH.
Those CRYSTALS, (slang term) on the leaves are called trichomes, while they are still on the leaves. In Europe, they call them resin glands. AFTER you remove them, they are called KIEF.
After you bake them, into a lump or chunk or cake, they are called HASH. That is where the HEADY HIGH THC is.

Most people make HASH a difficult way, called Bubble Hash with ICE and Ice water. If you google HASH, youtube, you can watch 300 videos on how to make hash. The most difficult way is BUBBLE hash with ice water and bubble bags. The Ice water and blender method is easier.

I use a strainer, or filter or screen, that is in my kief box, to remove them.

After you save up the trichs, or KIEF, you put them in a cellophane packet from a pack of cigarettes, pack it, use a roller to press it and make it hard. Tape it up with cellophane tape, wrap it with wet newspaper, tape it again, bake it at 200 degrees for 5 minutes on one side, and 5 minutes on the other side, then roll it again with a rolling pin or large glass, , pressing it again, and bake it again twice, 5 minutes each side.

You can google MAKE HASH to get details.


Active Member
hey thanks for the reply ya i use 20 gallon bubble bags for hash gonna try fresh trim soon only used old outdoor in the past, as for oil only done iso and a rice cooker set on really low to evaporate the liquid but i just wanted to know if the molecules were the same thanks for the post.


Well-Known Member
For medical purposes (I'll assume you use a vaporizer) you can use the trim from a grow to make oil and it will work in a vaporizer, although your best bet is to drizzle on the buds when you've evaporated all the butane but it's still warm and liquidy.