hash blunts and dubstep


Active Member

thats a 2oz bottle of eye drops, the blunt is around 8-9 inches long

the green is blue dream, the hash is a mix of white widow, purple widow and mcnasty.
sorry the pic is so dark

and this is what im listening to after smoking it :)



bud bootlegger
omg, that has to possibly be one of the worst songs i've ever heard, and i like dnb and dub, but wtf was that garbage?? that intro made me want to slit me wrists for christs sake... horrible doesn't even do it justice.. :(


Active Member
omg, that has to possibly be one of the worst songs i've ever heard, and i like dnb and dub, but wtf was that garbage?? that intro made me want to slit me wrists for christs sake... horrible doesn't even do it justice.. :(
i didnt say it was the best shit ever or anything, jesus christ lol,

im now onto this



bud bootlegger
i like this immediately better, but damn, there's huge difference in styles between the us stuff and the uk stuff i guess..
it sounds like your guys stuff has a huge house influence, which i've never really been much of a fan of myself, and the us not too much housey vocals and samples...
but yah, this song is much better, lol.. sorry to have been so mean about that first link, i just can't stand auto tune at all..


Active Member
i like this immediately better, but damn, there's huge difference in styles between the us stuff and the uk stuff i guess..
it sounds like your guys stuff has a huge house influence, which i've never really been much of a fan of myself, and the us not too much housey vocals and samples...
but yah, this song is much better, lol.. sorry to have been so mean about that first link, i just can't stand auto tune at all..
i understand your hatred for autotune, but that song was just kinda catchy right after finishing that blunt haha


Well-Known Member
ok I agree that the first song really sucked...the 2nd song was much better...das real dubstep...intro, drop, fuck your face bass, profit :D


Well-Known Member
i like this immediately better, but damn, there's huge difference in styles between the us stuff and the uk stuff i guess..
it sounds like your guys stuff has a huge house influence, which i've never really been much of a fan of myself, and the us not too much housey vocals and samples...
but yah, this song is much better, lol.. sorry to have been so mean about that first link, i just can't stand auto tune at all..
I don't know. I'm in a 'bubble' when it comes to musical taste so I don't know what my friends like, but every video I've posted in the dubstep has gotten alot of Likes. I can't see the video in this browser but my checklist includes 1) lots of wub wub 2) big drops 3) bass that could make one shit themselves, though I don't alwys find it amongst the mediocrity. There is alot of commercial dance with the bass ramped up-type tracks or too many things in the treble range out there though. I don't know much about dubstep so what am I talking about XP

Sorry, I'm really, really stoned right now...

Enjoy your blunts!

I forgot what I typed -_-;


Active Member


turn it up


Well-Known Member
You must have bass to appreciate this song



Well-Known Member
Dubstep's the shit.

What do you guys think of this one? I like it.
