Well-Known Member
I ran into yet another problem. Finally learned how to make bubble hash (still working out the kinks on the drying…to do it without either getting it stuck to whatever I’m trying to grate it or microplane it on…./air dry or in the freezer or refrigerator…those things I’m still wrestling with due to the higher temps & humidity here.
BUT, even if I can do that, I’ve got a larger problem. I have COPD, and the coughing has just gotten too bad when I smoke…at all. I use the bud for nausea and pain (helps some. I’ve planted a lot of strains that say they help pain, and I’ve yet to find one that really does…but helps me ’forget’ it a little
, and use the hash to sleep. At any rate, it’s a medicine for me, and I really need it more than all the prescriptions I have put together.
I got a Volcano to ‘vape’ the smoke for bud and ‘soften’ it a little. Until I can fix the coughing from the hash, though, I’m still coughing at the first hit on it.
So, I decided to make hash caps. Silly me. I thought I could just decarb my chopped up bubble hash and put the chunks into some capsules..but NO. It has to be liquified. I’ve been back to You Tube and the forums looking once again….
So far, it’s looking like RSO may be the way to go as it seems easier, but more expensive with the Everclear. I also have some bubble hash left that I need to use, so I have to learn to make the bubble hash capsules anyway.
I’ve found 2 ’recipes’ on You Tube. One seems fairly good. It’s by Bubbleman. He uses Coconut Oil. But, more than half of what he uses is hash from dry ice and some bubblehash. But, I can’t find one with all bubble hash. I’m trying to find something to help me know what to do so I can figure dosing as well as making the stuff.
I’m spending so much time trying to find all this, that I figured it would have been faster to have posted the question in the first place. But, I’m good at doing things the hard way
Now that I’ve almost written a book, I’ve actually gotten to my point… and, that is:
Is there any place I can find a good ‘recipe’ *in full* (at least past making the hash as I’ve already done that) to make hash caps. I’ve already ordered the capsules, coconut oil, lecithin, syringes (2 sizes since I wasn’t sure), silicone baking mat for decarbing the hash *the only video I found on decarbing hash, etc showed doing it on this*, and a cheap crock pot (not sure I’ll need it, but Bubbleman used one, So if I don’t, I’ll return i….trying to cover my bases).
Thanks again for your help. I can count on the friendly folks here

BUT, even if I can do that, I’ve got a larger problem. I have COPD, and the coughing has just gotten too bad when I smoke…at all. I use the bud for nausea and pain (helps some. I’ve planted a lot of strains that say they help pain, and I’ve yet to find one that really does…but helps me ’forget’ it a little

I got a Volcano to ‘vape’ the smoke for bud and ‘soften’ it a little. Until I can fix the coughing from the hash, though, I’m still coughing at the first hit on it.
So, I decided to make hash caps. Silly me. I thought I could just decarb my chopped up bubble hash and put the chunks into some capsules..but NO. It has to be liquified. I’ve been back to You Tube and the forums looking once again….
So far, it’s looking like RSO may be the way to go as it seems easier, but more expensive with the Everclear. I also have some bubble hash left that I need to use, so I have to learn to make the bubble hash capsules anyway.
I’ve found 2 ’recipes’ on You Tube. One seems fairly good. It’s by Bubbleman. He uses Coconut Oil. But, more than half of what he uses is hash from dry ice and some bubblehash. But, I can’t find one with all bubble hash. I’m trying to find something to help me know what to do so I can figure dosing as well as making the stuff.
I’m spending so much time trying to find all this, that I figured it would have been faster to have posted the question in the first place. But, I’m good at doing things the hard way

Now that I’ve almost written a book, I’ve actually gotten to my point… and, that is:
Is there any place I can find a good ‘recipe’ *in full* (at least past making the hash as I’ve already done that) to make hash caps. I’ve already ordered the capsules, coconut oil, lecithin, syringes (2 sizes since I wasn’t sure), silicone baking mat for decarbing the hash *the only video I found on decarbing hash, etc showed doing it on this*, and a cheap crock pot (not sure I’ll need it, but Bubbleman used one, So if I don’t, I’ll return i….trying to cover my bases).
Thanks again for your help. I can count on the friendly folks here