Hash curing help me


Well-Known Member
I have made a pound of bubble hash and it was my first time. I made the mistake of pressing it when it still had some moisture in it. I thought I wanted a sticky gummy bubble hash so I figured this was the time to press it. I had let it sit out for a day or two and have not placed it back a bag. Since the water will make it mould I need to know how to sweat the middle so it doesnt ruin my hash. A pound of bubble took alot of work and stuff to make. If there is anything that can be done let me know thanks.
I wish I had pound of hash. That's a lot of money if you sell that for a quick dollar. $30 per gram, $90 for an 1/8. I would trade my lb of Train Wreck that I just copped for $2800 for a pound of some dank hash.
I wish I had pound of hash. That's a lot of money if you sell that for a quick dollar. $30 per gram, $90 for an 1/8. I would trade my lb of Train Wreck that I just copped for $2800 for a pound of some dank hash.

Damn dude where are you paying that much for hash. $90 for the Q breh and I'm not medical. However I would love to trade my pound of nothing for your trainwreck
I wish I had pound of hash. That's a lot of money if you sell that for a quick dollar. $30 per gram, $90 for an 1/8. I would trade my lb of Train Wreck that I just copped for $2800 for a pound of some dank hash.

lb of bud for a lb of hash. Hilarious
you ever find that deal you let the rest of us know k
when I sold my camry, I was asking $500 for it a guy gave me $300 and 2 ounces of pressed bubble hash it took me almost 2 1/2 months to smoke it with some help from my friends. I'm hashed out for know, my lungs hurt too many lung cookies, I noticed smoking alot of hash gives you more lung cookies then if I smoked 2 ounces of bud