Hash Help Needed


Well-Known Member
I just harvested a nice little crop of assorted high-potency strains and decided to make a little hash out of the clipping leftovers. I have some bubble bags (5) but there's still a lot of smaller size trichs that slip past the last bag. So I've got this little bucket half full of dark brown water. A lot of the good stuff falls out and lies on the bottom of the bucket which is the hash I'm trying to get to but what's the best method to get it? If I tilt the bucket and let the water pour out, a lot of the "mud" on the bottom tries to go with it. You can't boil this liquid off can you? I could just sit it out side in the sun until it evaporates but bugs and stuff might get in it. I might be able to suck water off with a turky baster. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I made this doing that.
How come mine didnt look like that?
I used 97% iso from rite aid and a bagful of clippings with 4 cookie sheets and adn 2 oscillating fans. I just froze the cippings, floured them, ovened them under 250 for 15 minutes and poured iso into a coffe filter onto the sheet. Its turned black like an oil color and had fishy hash burn to it. What do you think I did wrong? How come yours looks brown sugar honey?


Well-Known Member
How come mine didnt look like that?
I used 97% iso from rite aid and a bagful of clippings with 4 cookie sheets and adn 2 oscillating fans. I just froze the cippings, floured them, ovened them under 250 for 15 minutes and poured iso into a coffe filter onto the sheet. Its turned black like an oil color and had fishy hash burn to it. What do you think I did wrong? How come yours looks brown sugar honey?
Because you did everything you should not have basically.
Click the link,get some screens,follow the simple,basic instructions and you to can do it.........it really is that easy to make quality hash.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested a nice little crop of assorted high-potency strains and decided to make a little hash out of the clipping leftovers. I have some bubble bags (5) but there's still a lot of smaller size trichs that slip past the last bag. So I've got this little bucket half full of dark brown water. A lot of the good stuff falls out and lies on the bottom of the bucket which is the hash I'm trying to get to but what's the best method to get it? If I tilt the bucket and let the water pour out, a lot of the "mud" on the bottom tries to go with it. You can't boil this liquid off can you? I could just sit it out side in the sun until it evaporates but bugs and stuff might get in it. I might be able to suck water off with a turky baster. Any suggestions?
if you are using your bags properly anything left in the bottom of the bucket should be trash. that's the whole point of the different screens sizes.


Well-Known Member
I'll check it out the links. Coffee filters seems like a good idea. As far as anything left in the bottom of the bucket not being any good,...WRONG. I only have 5 bubble bags but I think you can get as many as 8. The gage of the screen in my 5th bag just isn't small enough to get the last of the "good stuff". Last year I poured off most of the liquid and just let the rest evaporate. The remaining "mud" was very good stuff so I'd never just toss it out. Thanks for the info. And I'd like any more suggestions if anyone has any.


Well-Known Member
I'll check it out the links. Coffee filters seems like a good idea. As far as anything left in the bottom of the bucket not being any good,...WRONG. I only have 5 bubble bags but I think you can get as many as 8. The gage of the screen in my 5th bag just isn't small enough to get the last of the "good stuff". Last year I poured off most of the liquid and just let the rest evaporate. The remaining "mud" was very good stuff so I'd never just toss it out. Thanks for the info. And I'd like any more suggestions if anyone has any.

most sets of bags, whether it is 3 to the set or 20, have a 25 micron bag in them. this is your smallest sized screen. anything that goes thru this screen is meant to be thrown away.

you're wasting your time on scrapings when you should be focusing on your main product.

if you have hash left over in your bucket after screening then you are doing something wrong.



Well-Known Member
Ok,..the stuff in the bottom of the bucket (good or bad) is something I'm going to get. So with that being said, and my actual problem being,..."how do I get it"? remains open. The coffee filter thing is probably the best idea other than complete evaporation. Any more suggestions out there?


Well-Known Member
I dont think a coffee filter would be a good choice for natural extraction (bubble hash). I dont think the material would hold up to your ice mixture. I just use them to filter through isopryll alcohol. natural extraction is a much better method if refined. Its smokes better and is much healthier for you than isopryll in your batch or even butane through a steel tube. Just curious curious fdd do you have a drying curing method for your laundry bubble hash? how long does water take to seperate from it?


Well-Known Member
I dont think a coffee filter would be a good choice for natural extraction (bubble hash). I dont think the material would hold up to your ice mixture. I just use them to filter through isopryll alcohol. natural extraction is a much better method if refined. Its smokes better and is much healthier for you than isopryll in your batch or even butane through a steel tube. Just curious curious fdd do you have a drying curing method for your laundry bubble hash? how long does water take to seperate from it?
i crumble it up into "sand" and let it dry for several days. then i cure it in a jar for a few weeks until it gets gooey. then i hand press it into small chunks. usually 20 grams or so at a time. :weed:

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Well-Known Member
How many plants were grown or used to create that much hash-makings? Or what's the initial weight? I saw the one big bud that was shown so were clippings used or just a bunch of big-ass buds? I like the method.


Well-Known Member
How many plants were grown or used to create that much hash-makings? Or what's the initial weight? I saw the one big bud that was shown so were clippings used or just a bunch of big-ass buds? I like the method.
clippings and popcorn bud. i have pounds of it to run yet.