Hash/how to?+++rep


Well-Known Member
Hello sticky icky friends I have a real noob ? Here it goes My plant flowered very immaturely due to the heat here desert coachella valley so now I want to make hash with wht little I have,just need to know the basics of doing this I would appreciate any and all help on this matter.Hurt to see her go like this was my first time and I can say one thing for certain I learned a lot myself and mostly from all you great people on this site Major Props for all who have done just that +++:hump:bongsmiliebongsmilie
Jules Vern:fire::fire:

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man so much explaining, so baked myself, cant type..... here mate---http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtkBimcwkF0
and here---------http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qZYBw9ols8

keep up the good work....


Well-Known Member
i jsut copyed dudes youtube recommedation and simply placed it in ur thread..dats it...rep in store for grow space...


Active Member
you tube is great for teaching you how to make hash if you check the forum section there recipes in the wanna be chef forum am I right?