Hash Leaf Time


Well-Known Member
I wanted to take my leaf clippings off my plants and baggie them, i cant put them in a fridge cause well i just cant lol stupid roomies, i may have access to a meat freezer. but other than that how long can i store leaf clippings in a baggie unrefrigeredate and still use to make good hash later. What about leaves being frozen how long will those last


Well-Known Member
no not currently , but i just started germing some Raft seeds and i was just thinking so next time i can have an emergency hash cause i mean i been clean weed for a long time i been using the alchy instead


Active Member
I have heard several people take the leafs around the buds and set them aside to make hash. No idea about storage without a fridge/freezer. I am planning on attempting to make some hash as well..

The poster above says "FAN LEAFS" are the leaves in the buds considered fan leafs ?


Well-Known Member
You are fine to freeze the leaves and trimmings for hash making once you get the majority of the moisture out. . My favorite hash method uses bags of ice anyways, so cold herb is no problem.I have left them in storage for close to 9 months(vac packed) before taking out to make bag hash with fresh trimmings also... I have always refered to the large, stand-alone leaves as fan leaves and the leaves protudring form the buds as trimmings. I save all of it for hash and butter making.


Active Member
i have a 1 male can i use it for hash or should i just chop it down, its 20 yards away from my ladies

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
That one male, being only 20 yards away from your ladies, can easily pollinate them. I would cut him down myself. I have heard of people saving the male plants after they cut them down for hash though.